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Fackler Fun for Kids
20 items
Caitie Fackler
We have to keep the kids busy so we can DIY!
Indoor Play
Outdoor Play
Get School Ready
Indoor Play
We are obsessed with these play boxes! They come via subscription and both of my kids play with the toys daily!
The Looker Play Kit
My kids love playing with kinetic sand. I have to admit that it is quite satisfying.
Kinetic Sand Ultimate Sandisfying Set
My kids have played with this nugget couch almost daily since receiving it 2 years ago!
The Nugget - Koala
HIGHLY recommend the Tonies Box. It plays music and tells stories of your kid's favorite characters!
My kids LOVE Blaze and the Monster Machines so they are going to be PUMPED when they get this Blaze tonie!
Tonies Blaze & The Monster Machines Audio Play
So excited for this game with friends and family!
Big Potato Chicken vs Hotdog Party Game
Outdoor Play
Here in Ohio, we used this super large splash pad no less than 4x a week! Ditch the pool membership and invest in this splash pad. Thank me later :)
Bestway H20Go Underwater Adventure Sprinkler Pad
So fun and easy enough for my 2-year-old to do!
SOPPYCID 12 Pcs Reusable Water Balloons
Such a cute book!
Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book
My kids and I both love learning about animals in this book!
First Facts and Flaps: Amazing Animals
Lift the flaps and learn all things dinosaur!
First Facts and Flaps: Giant Dinosaurs
I dare you not to dance while reading this book!
Dinosaur Dance!
Another great interactive book!
Moo, Baa, La La La!
We may or may not have gone through a time when Ellie hit Reece. This helped.
Little Dinos Don't Hit
This book is a MUST!
Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 (Chicka Chicka Book, A)
A great life lesson wrapped into a cute story!
The Rainbow Fish
We read this book daily for about 8 months and I still love it.
The Goodnight Train Board Book
Get School Ready
Custom back to school sign!
Retro Back To School Sign
Practice writing your name with this custom dry erase board.
Name Practice Trace Board, I can write my name, Educational Tracing Boards, Dry Erase Board, Letter Tracing Board
I mean, does it get cuter than this?!
Custom Name Puzzle Baby Girl Gift Wooden Name Puzzle Emma 1st Birthday Gift Personalized Name Puzzle First Christmas Montessori Toddler Toy