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Strategies for Dealing with Nighttime Anxiety

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Hey, night owl! If you struggle to find calm in the quiet hours like me, check out these super practical and simple strategies for dealing with nighttime anxiety.
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Keeping a regular sleep schedule can help you establish a routine, which is essential in managing anxiety. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends!
How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? - Sleep Foundation
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Mindful breathing exercises are a great way to anchor your thoughts and help you stay grounded. They require no equipment, just a quiet space and your breath
How Mindfulness Meditation Works To Reduce Anxiety
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Eating a heavy meal close to bedtime can cause discomfort and disrupt sleep, contributing to anxiety
Simple Tricks to Manage Anxiety and Insomnia
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This technique involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up. It's a great way to physically 'shake off' the tension
How to Manage Stress with Mindfulness and Meditation
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Yoga and meditation before bed can help you relax and manage stress, reducing anxiety
Bedtime meditation video
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Make your bedroom a safe haven. Keep it cool, quiet and dark. Use earplugs, an eye mask or a white noise machine if needed
Preparing Your Bedroom for a Great Night's Sleep
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Regular exercise, especially cardio, can help reduce anxiety by boosting your mood and acting as a natural stress reliever
Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity
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Writing in a journal before bed can help you unload your thoughts and worries, making it easier to fall asleep
journal writing
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The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Try reading a book instead
COVID-19: Lockdowns linked to increased screen time and ...
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Limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol especially in the evening can help you have a more restful sleep, reducing anxiety
Caffeine and Alcohol: How They Interact
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Visualizing a peaceful place or situation can help your mind shift focus from anxiety to tranquility
Seeing Is Believing: The Power of Visualization
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Listening to soft, calming music or nature sounds can help you relax and fall asleep
12 Ways to Reduce Stress with Music
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Long daytime naps can interfere with nighttime sleep. If you feel you have to nap, limit yourself to about 30 minutes and make it during the mid afternoon
Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA
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Constant exposure to news and social media can increase feelings of anxiety. Try to limit your consumption, especially before bed
Health advisory on social media use in adolescence
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Talking about your worries with a friend, family member or a professional can help you feel less anxious
Physical Effects of Worrying
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Practicing gratitude can shift your thoughts away from worries and towards positive aspects of your life
Kindness matters guide | Mental Health Foundation
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If your anxiety is severe and persistent, seeking professional help can provide you with the tools and strategies to manage it effectively
BetterHelp | Professional Therapy With A Licensed Therapist
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Understanding what triggers your anxiety can help you develop coping strategies and reduce its impact
How to Identify the Real Cause of Your Anxiety
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Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, massage, and tai chi can help you relax and reduce anxiety
Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress
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Good sleep hygiene can help you get a better night's sleep and reduce anxiety
Home Page - Sleep Education - American Academy of Sleep ...
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Joining a support group can connect you with people who are going through the same experience and provide a safe space to share and learn from each other
NIMH » Home - National Institutes of Health (NIH)