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Bucket List Attractions

Purple Star emoji 10 items
Everything I want to see and visit from places on my bucket list destinations!


Thailand has SO many attractions that I can't wait to see!

Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
Located in Northern Thailand. So more tropical forest vibes rather than the beach side of Thailand.
Chiang Mai
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
This is all I heard people talking about from visiting Thailand! I think it would be an amazing experience!
Visit & Stay - Elephant Nature Park
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I love snorkeling everywhere I go and doing it in Thailand would be the coolest!
THE BEST Krabi Town Scuba Diving & Snorkeling (2025) - Tripadvisor

New Zealand

New Zealand was always one of the top places on my bucket list my whole life

Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I'm a die hard LOTRs fan! Need to visit here soon.
Hobbiton™ Movie Set Tours
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I found the cutest place to stay for when I visit here! I linked it also for you!
Wharariki Beach
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
Looks like a fun little coastal Island to visit.
Oban, New Zealand


Jordan looks like an amazing country and I can't wait to visit it!

Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I can't wait to be able to see Petrah in person!
Petra | History, Map, Location, Images, & Facts
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
Looks so amazing!
Wadi Rum
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I love seeing old ruins or structures of things!
Roman Theatre (Amman)
Jorden Devlaeminck profile picture
I wan to float on top of the salty water!
Dead Sea