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Clamps & Jigs

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As a disabled person with only one functioning arm and hand, clamps are an essential part of my workshop life along with various other jigs that you will see in this list
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Coupled to my MFT top, these are an essential part of my workshop
Horizontal fixture clamp WNS-SET-MFT - BESSEY Tool
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Superb everyday addition to the workshop
One-handed clamp EZS - BESSEY Tool
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
So handy to have these!
BESSEY VAS-23+2K 23ft Variable Angle Clamp
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Perfect for tablesaw, bandsaw and router
Magswitch Table Featherboard Universal Model
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Excellent clamps for large glue-ups
BESSEY - Parallel - Clamps - The Home Depot
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
A different kind of clamp that has multiple uses 👍
All-steel screw clamps - BESSEY Tool
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Strong and powerful clamps at affordable prices
Parallel Jaw Clamps - 1200mm x 95mm - Pack of 4 - Rutlands Limited