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Sanding Equipment

Gear emoji 6 items
I do a lot of sanding in the workshop and here are my regular use sanders for a variety of applications
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
My most used sander, excellent versatile random orbit sander
Mirka DEROS II 5650 Orbital Sander 230V
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Compact orbit sander for fine finishing
Mirka® DEOS and DEOS Delta Hand Sanders
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
My latest addition to the workshop, a high performance rotary sander from Mirka
Mirka® DEROS RS 600 high-performance rotary sander
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
5mm random orbit sander from Festool
Random Orbital Sander ETS EC150/5 EQ-Plus - Festool USA
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
My current abrasive of choice for sanding wood
Mirka Ultimax® Ligno: All-New Abrasive for Wood
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Fantastic new Portable Dust Extractor from Mirka
Find Your Dust Extractors Here - Mirka