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Workshop Essential Accessories

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This list contains so many useful ‘essential’ accessories that I use everyday in my Workshop! I'm sure you'll find them very handy 😀
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
An absolute essential for any workshop. Comes in so handy for multiple applications!
Bahco 650 Carbide Edged Power Scraper, 2 - Inch
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Super useful card sander to reach all those difficult angles!
SanderCard - Variants
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Without a doubt the best way to remove dust from any wood surface!
ProDec 10 Pack Tack Cloths for Painting
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Comes in handy for a variety of workshop uses, a ‘must have’!
Bahco 625 Carbide Edged Pocket Scraper
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Really handy if you work mainly on your own. Helps to lift / stabilise items like doors / white goods etc
Trend I/WEDGE/2PK Air Wedge 2 Pack, Two Pack
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
The easiest way to carry a full 8x4 panel on your own
Handy Grip Board Lifter Panel Carrier
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Excellent cordless glue gun. Models compatible with most battery platforms.
100W Cordless Hot Glue Gun, 11mm Sticks
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Make adjustments to your workpiece without worrying about marking it
Thor 710 Nylon Hammer 1.Lb
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Everything in my workshop is on castors and these are my preferred choice 👍
H&S 75mm Swivel Castors - Set of 4 Wheels
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Affordable accessory for your compressor
Air Blow Gun with Nozzle and Extensions
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Frog tape comes in so handy for a variety of uses in the workshop
Frog Tape, Residue Free Masking Tape
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Works well on machinery surfaces providing a protective layer and smooth surface
Liberon LUBW500 500ml Lubo Lubricating Wax
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Makes glue application so much easier
FastCap Glu-Bot Glue Bottle
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Safety first with this workshop essential item
MICROJIG GR-100GRR Ripper 3D Pushblock
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Dry PTFE Lubricant, very useful in the workshop
WD-40 Specialist Dry PTFE Lubricant 250ml
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
I use kettlebells to help hold pieces in place whilst I work on them
Amazon Basics Cast Iron Kettlebell
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Every workshop has to have a roll of duck tape somewhere!
Duck Ultimate Cloth Tape Clear
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
These blocks come in really handy when cleaning the paper on a drum sander
QWORK 2pcs Sanding Belt Cleaning Block
Leo Winstanley @ Hand-i-Craft profile picture
Quite simply: A MUST for any Workshop!
Magswitch Table Featherboard Universal Model