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girly things (for that time of the month)
19 items
Brianna Miller
just some things I keep STOCKED in my bathroom. also a few things I have heard good things about...
love having these in every bag for a refresh and to make sure I stay clean no matter where I am on the go
Summer's Eve Golden Glamour Feminine Wipes, 16 Ct
I switched from tampons to these 6 months ago and will NEVER go back
The disposable menstrual disc designed for comfort | Flex®
On heavier days, I like to have a thin pad in…just in case
Always Ultra Thin Feminine Pads with Wings, Size 4
I am ALWAYS stocked, in every bag
Midol Complete Menstrual Pain Relief, 40 Count
I started using this on days where I feel like a balloon and it HELPS
Midol Bloat Relief Caplets, 60 Count
I haven't tried reusable yet because of the cleaning concern, but if you're into it…
The #1 reusable menstrual disc in the U.S. | Flex
bestie, stay HYDRATED
HydroJug Traveler - Modern 40 oz Tumbler
a need, a staple, I don't care what brand or type, but I 10000% need a heating pad
Heating Pad
you might laugh, but some days I don't want anything in and this is my solution
Depend Night Defense Women's XL, 12 Count
now this makes me convinced and comfortable with a reusable disc
Pixie Menstrual Disc Kit - Starter Kit
all of the cleaning options!!
Pixie Menstrual Cup & Disc Boiler Sterilizer
I never even thought of this
Pixie Sterilizer Spray for Menstrual Cups - 100ml
because apparently not everyone wants to see the party favors
ChengFu Pad and Tampon Organizer, White
I am interested in trying these…
Pink Stork Organic PMS Support Sweets - 30 Drops
seriously, I will take every heating pad
ThermaCare Menstrual Heating Pad, 6 Count
nice to have something small to keep a stash of necessities on hand
3pcs Period Pouch, Sanitary Napkin Storage Bag
steam clean, wow endless cleaning options!
Pixie Menstrual Cup & Disc Steamer Sterilizer
GREAT option for when camping or traveling
Pixie Menstrual Cup Wipes - 30 Count
once again, never crossed my mind
Pixie Cup Stain Remover for Menstrual Cups (5 Pack)