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Parenting Apps for the First Year

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Making it through the first year with a new baby can be difficult, but these apps are great resources to help you!


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You can track your entire baby's day using this app!
Huckleberry app
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Keep track of all the data with your newborn
Baby Tracker - Newborn Log on the App Store - Apple
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All you need in one app!
Glow Baby Tracker & Growth App on the App Store


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For those who have the SNOO sleeper!
SNOO on the App Store
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My babies loved waking up to the natural light!
Hatch Sleep - Apps
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Track your baby's naps in your arms, the car, their sleeper, and more!
Nanit App | Track Baby Sleep & Growth Insights
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Stories, sounds, and calming meditations to help you and baby fall asleep
Sleepiest app


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Milestone activities that you can do with a newborn or older baby
BabySparks – A development expert in your pocket
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This app will help you find ways to help your crying baby
The Wonder Weeks App
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Free app to track movements and milestones
Kinedu Baby Brain Development App
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For those not on social media, this is a great way for family and friends to keep up with your new baby
Momatu - Share family moments
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Find classes to do with your little baby!
KidPass on the App Store


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Introducing solids can be nerve-wracking, but Solid Starts can help ease any fears you have
Solid Starts App
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Track your ounces from pumping!
Pump Log
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Loved using this while I was breastfeeding
Baby Feed Timer, breastfeeding
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Make sure your milk supply is safe after drinking
Feed Safe on the App Store