These are great for pre-planning lessons, meal planning, etc!
Noted by Post-it, Pink Weekly Planning Notes, 4.9 in. x 4.9 in., 100 Sheets
Norah's Family Photo Dress in Honey Comb
The Children's Place Girls' Short Sleeve Fashion Dress
Piper's Pinafore for Family Photos
Olive Pinafore
Piper's ruffle sleeve shirt for family photos
Kids Softspun Long Sleeve Rib T-Shirt
Brad's family photo shirt in Solid Gray
CQR Men's Cotton Flannel Long Sleeve Plaid Shirt
Brad's family photo pants in Navy
Daily Driver Pants
The sketchers brand athletic pants from Costco are my new favorites!
Skechers Ladies' Gowalk High-Rise Tight
Save space with the interchangeable plates in this Dash waffle maker!
Dash Multi-Plate Mini Waffle Maker with Removable Plates
I received these in a package I ordered from Japan... And now everyone's getting them as a stocking stuffer! The best flavor Kit Kat I've tried, yet! 🤤
Japanese Kit-Kat Mini Autumn chestnut 12 bars Japan ...
A daily devotional for moms. I love starting my morning here!
Daily Strength for Mothers: A 365-Day Devotional
A great book for any homeschool parent!
The Call of the Wild and Free: Homeschool Guide
I love how it sprays and pours oil. Now we don't have to have 2 olive oil containers!
TrendPlain 16oz 2 in 1 Olive Oil Dispenser
The BEST pool chair!
Aqua EZ - Noodle Floating Chair
Perfect for inside cabinets and doors without having to drill holes.
Paper Towel Holders, Self-Adhesive, Stainless Steel