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Ticket to Ride: A Complete List of the Game Variations

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I've complied the *many* Ticket to Ride game versions, expansion packs, map collections, kids versions etc. for you to see them all in one place. I've also ranked my Top 5 Ticket to Ride variations - check those out first!

Top 5

My current Top 5 Ticket to Ride Variations plus a bonus app recommendation!

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#1 - The Germany map is probably my favorite of all the many versions!
Ticket to Ride: Germany
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#2 - Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries takes you through Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The addition of tunnels and ferry routes along with railroads adds a new complexity.
Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries
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#3 - The original version of Ticket to Ride. Always a classic.
Ticket To Ride Board Game
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#4 - Switzerland is one of my top favorite maps! You get both India and Switzerland maps in this edition.
Ticket to Ride: India and Switzerland Map Expansion
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#5 - Ticket to Ride Europe is slightly more confusing than the original with the addition of Stations. Still a fun play.
Ticket To Ride Europe Board Game
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Bonus: Have multiple maps at your fingertips with the app version of Ticket to Ride! Play against friends, AI or other online players and build your skills. 7 maps are already available (USA, Europe, San Francisco, Switzerland, Nordic Countries, Lege...
Ticket to Ride® The Board Game 4+ - App Store

Expansion Packs and Map Collections

Picked up USA or Europe and want a change? Check out one of these expansions that offer a new map but use the original game as well.

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Score: 7.5/10 Explore USA 1910 with this expansion pack for the original Ticket to Ride Game.
Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 Expansion
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Score: 6.5/10 Explore 1912 Europe with this expansion pack for the original Ticket to Ride Europe game.
Ticket to Ride Europa 1912 Expansion
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This version gives you two different maps to play with both United Kingdom and Pennsylvania included.
Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom/Pennsylvania
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Another double sided map, this edition offers France and the Old West.
Ticket to Ride: France/Old West Map 6 Board Game
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This expansion pack adds another map option and new challenge with bridge toll tokens.
Ticket to Ride Game: Nederland Map Collection
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Rails and Sails is another double map offering the world map on one side and the Great Lakes on the other.
Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails by Alan R. Moon
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This expansion gives you maps for Japan and Italy, along with special bullet train pieces.
Ticket to Ride: Japan & Italy
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Explore Poland with this expansion pack. (You will need Ticket to Ride original or Europe to play!)
Ticket to Ride: Poland Map Expansion
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Explore Asia with this expansion pack!
Ticket to Ride: Asia Expansion
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Explore two more areas of the world in this Iberia and South Korea expansion pack!
Ticket to Ride: Iberia & South Korea Expansion
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The newest version of ticket to ride, Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of the West offers an expanded game play from the original game version.
Ticket to Ride Legacy: Legends of The West
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The Heart of Africa is reportedly the most challenging map of all the available options. If you've mastered the original and are looking for a new challenge pick this one up!
Ticket to Ride Map Collection 3: The Heart of Africa | Board Game


A quick version of TTR. A great option if you've visited or lived in one of these cities or want to explore a new city without leaving your home!

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Explore another city via Ticket to Ride Berlin!
Ticket to Ride: Berlin
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Ticket to Ride Amsterdam is a simpler, more portable version of this beloved game.
Ticket To Ride Amsterdam Game
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Another simplified version, Ticket to Ride London is a great option for quicker games.
Ticket to Ride Game: London
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Score: 7/10 Another fun city edition, New York uses taxi cabs for the train pieces!
Ticket to Ride: New York
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Another quick version of Ticket to Ride perfect for fans of Paris. Explore 1920s Paris by racing to complete destination tickets with the Parisian Bus System.
Ticket to Ride Paris
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Score: 5.5/10 Another quick city version, collect souvenirs as you travel around San Francisco completing routes.
Ticket to Ride San Francisco Family Strategy Board Game for Ages 8 and up, from Asmodee

First Journeys

A great option to introduce the Ticket to Ride Universe to a younger game player!

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A great version to start younger players on to learn the strategy!
Ticket To Ride - First Journey USA
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Another great version to start younger players with, especially if you enjoy Ticket to Ride Europe.
Ticket to Ride: Europe - First Journey
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A fun variation of Ticket to Ride: First Journey, Ghost Train would be perfect to pull out around Halloween!
Ticket to Ride: Ghost Train