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All Things Knitting: Creators I Love

Yarn emoji 31 items
A non-comprehensive list of knitting creators from various platforms to inspire your next project. This list of knitting creators post regularly and are reliable follows!


Some longer form content from creators I enjoy and eagerly look for their newest videos each week

Kelsey Ennis profile picture
So well produced it's like watching a movie!
Fruity Knitting
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
A knitter in rural Arkansas with a vintage approach to filming compilations but is very active in test knitting and other crafty endeavors. IT's fun to sit down with her and hear what is currently inspiring her!
Youngfolk Knits
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Videos are typically released twice a week - a combination of knitting vlogs and informational sessions on specific knitting related topics
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
You'll feel like you're sitting down with the sisters and having a knit night at home with friends
Grocery Girls Knit
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Two norwegian knitters who have crafted a podcast called “Sit and Knit for Bit” where they just sit, knit and talk for 30 minutes to an hour while talking about everything under the sun! A podcast you can easily drop in on every few weeks and feel li...


A handful of creators on instagram that I love seeing as I scroll through my feed!

Kelsey Ennis profile picture
A recent follow I've really enjoyed, she's know for her well-constructed hats.
tori yu @toriknitsnyc
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Her striped socks are always an inspiration to start my next pair of socks!
Denise DeSantis @earthtonesgirl
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Known for inclusive designing and well-written patterns that are easy for anyone to follow
Aimee Sher @aimeeshermakes
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Their color sense is amazing! Seeing what they put together makes me want to cast on my next project.
Candice English @thefarmersdaughterfibers
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Her color palette is muted, earth tones that are incredibly stunning to see!
weichien 蔚倩 @saskieco
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Known for her intricate colorwork socks that build a picture
Charlotte Stone @stoneknits
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
They have a really lovely color palette. They dye their own yarn and are also designers
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Based in Paris, she is an incredible yarn dyer with an impeccable color sense
Aimée Gille @labienaimee
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Very down to earth about her knitting and the reality of knitting
Darci @darcidoesit
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Another yarn dyer who's colors are amazing!
Melissa Clulow @sonderyarnco
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
An Oklahoma knitter active on Instagram and Youtube
Summer Lee @summer.lee.knits


Some designers who are great options for you to check out their patterns on Ravelry

Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Quintessential baby knits
Ravelry: Knitting for Olive - patterns
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
An Argentinean designer who started in the fashion industry and then moved to knitting. Her designs have a runway-esq feeling to them
Ravelry: Designs by Joji Locatelli
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
A newer find who makes classic with a twist patterns that you see and must have in your wardrobe immediately
Ravelry: Designs by Sari Nordlund
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Known for his incredible shawls and a yearly mystery knit-along!
Ravelry: Designs by Stephen West
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Designer of the viral Sophie Scarf and a classic Scandinavian designer
Ravelry: Designs by PetiteKnit
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
An incredibly size inclusive pattern designer with sweaters you can easily knit as your first sweater. Very thoughtfully written patterns.
Ravelry: Designs by Jessie Maed Designs
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
A designer with a unique design aesthetic and very popular patterns
Ravelry: Designs by James N Watts


These you-tubers offer great tutorial videos

Kelsey Ennis profile picture
The first person I turn to when I have a specific how-to question
VeryPink Knits
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Andrea Mowry has a weekly podcast where she answers 5ish questions from viewers on a wide range of topics
Andrea Mowry
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
In addition to their “Sit and Knit for a Bit” podcast, they offer tutorials on knitting techniques
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
Short but very in-depth topic based videos. If you have a question on something knitting related she most likely has a short video covering the topic.


I love seeing videos from these creators while scrolling on my FYP!

Kelsey Ennis profile picture
One of the three knitting sisters on on TIkTok! They sometimes make the same project in different colors and it makes you do a double take when they show up on your FYP!
kali | 📖🧶 on TikTok
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
The second out of three knitting sisters!
kaye💋 on TikTok
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
The third knitting sister!
Bobbi 💕 on TikTok
Kelsey Ennis profile picture
A popular KnitTok creator who also designs pattern on Ravelry and Etsy
Rebecca on TikTok