Welcome to my Featured Favorites Board! Here you’ll find a curated collection of standout links that rise above the rest—my absolute top picks for inspiration, resources, and tools I can’t recommend enough. These are the gems that truly shine!
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Featured Social Media Apps & Tools
Featured Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain Apps & Tools
Featured Favorite Apps & Tools
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Featured Home Management & Tasks Apps & Tools
Featured Essential Supplements
Featured Social Media Apps & Tools
Find and follow me @koutzfarm on TikTok
Featured Fibromyalgia / Chronic Pain Apps & Tools
I have been using Curable for about a month now. The lessons are great and the community is helpful and understanding.
Mindfulness, Meditation, & Breathwork is important to maintaining balance and staying healthy. This little tool is a great therapeutic gadget to help support you with these types of activities.
Mindfulness Guided Breathing & Nightlight
Mindfulness, Meditation, & Breathwork is important to maintaining balance and staying healthy. This little tool is a great therapeutic gadget to help support you with these types of activities.
Breathing Puppy Meditation Device for Stress
Featured Favorite Apps & Tools
The BEST gift management app I have used. Easy and fun to keep track of who you want to buy for, what you need to buy, what you have purchased, wrapped, shipped, etc. And even helps keep track of those holiday budgets.
The Christmas List
The best on-the-go email app for managing your email, keeping it clean, and giving you some control back. I love this email app. Also helps you unsubscribe from email lists too.
Chuck Email
Start brainstorming your ideas, create mind maps, flowcharts, mockup your concepts and more. This app has a true free version that is perfect for those staring out on their own. I love this tool.
Miro | The Innovation Workspace
This is my FAVORITE note taking app. I found it after Zinnia, but it has some similar functions though I find this one a bit easier to use. It will be replacing my OneNote notebooks - a project I will be tackling soon. It is now my GO-TO notes app!!!
Goodnotes | Notes Reimagined | Note-Taking App
Featured Financial Apps & Tools
I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here’s my link so you can get access, too.
Featured Home Management & Tasks Apps & Tools
I love ❤️ my Tovala Smart Oven & the meal delivery service they provide. My husband said its one of the best purchases I have ever made. We’ve tried many meal delivery services but this one makes life the easiest. It is perfect for empty nesters ...
I have started using the app Homer, a nifty service that helps me save and organize all information about my home in a digital format. I think you should try it out for your home as well. It’s free to get started.
Homer | Helping You Be a Better Homeowner
Featured Essential Supplements
I use Natural Cure Labs Clean L-Lysine religiously. My grandmother was a nurse and always took L-Lysine. She would always give me bottles of it but back then the pills were big and I hated taking them. Now that I found Natural Cure Labs, I can (and d...
Get real energy without the crash. Ditch energy drinks and sugar and try Endorfix patches today. I just started using them and really noticed the difference- having energy that felt more like my natural energy that I have been missing for so long sin...
Endorfix Inc
Books To Read
My fibromyalgia doctor recommended this book to me and I bought it immediately. I read it and learned a lot. It is written so you can use it to talk to your own medical team about your fibromyalgia symptoms and treatment plan, with references to medi...