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⚡️INFJ | Type 2 | Cool Winter 🩵 Reading, Sweet Tea, Sunsets 💙 📍Alabama 🦡 Hufflepuff
Lacee's Lists
Watch List - Shows
44 items
Study My Bible With Me
34 items
I have recently got back into studying my Bible again. I love having new supplies to start me on this journey again. **Links used are affiliate links**
Favorite Shows
152 items
Best Shows on TV
So You Want to Read Dark Romance? Start Here.
49 items
Have you been reading romance and realized you want to read the details of when the couple is intimate? Ever realized you have some kinks? These are for you. **ALWAYS READ TRIGGER WARNINGS BEFORE READING** This site may contain links to affiliate websites and I receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links.
My Favorite Smut Books
19 items
The best books to read with one hand ;) Just get comfy in your favorite spot and get to reading. Make sure to have a towel handy.