I adore music industry books, and here are the best of them!
an exceptionally well-written account of a decade in british/irish pop music. extremely enjoyable, 10/10.
Reach for the Stars: 1996–2006: Fame, Fallout and Pop’s Final Party by Michael Cragg | Hardback
a legendary book in this niche, this fictional account, based on true events, tells the tale of a record label executive navigating the late 1990s. funny, twisted, and jaw-dropping at times, you'll be surprised at how much you're rooting for someone ...
Kill Your Friends by John Niven
this looks at the modern industry, and what makes a hit these days. going into detail on the careers of the backstreet boys, rihanna, katy perry, among others, and with many first hand-accounts, no book will better tell you what works today.
The Song Machine by John Seabrook
the sequel to the legendary 'Kill Your Friends', KEA is just as cut-throat and dark, but ultimately missing a plot as compelling as its predecessor. at times, it veers too far into fiction to maintain the compelling juiciness from knowing its predece...
Kill ’Em All by John Niven
an exceptionally well-rounded guide to every facet of the industry, explained remarkably well by an experienced music lawyer. brilliant.
Music: The Business by Ann Harrison
a comprehensive history of the music industry, from the 19th century right through to 2022. difficult at times to keep track of all the names, businesses, and their relationships between each other. ultimately worth the read!
The Business by Simon Napier-Bell
a semi-fictional story of setting up a boyband, at a time when boyband and girlbands ruled the charts, and the youth.
Pop Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones
easily the best autobiography i've ever read!
My Thoughts Exactly by Lily Allen | Hardback
easily the best autobiography i've ever read!
My Thoughts Exactly by Lily Allen | Paperback
an exceptionally well-written account of a decade in british/irish pop music. extremely enjoyable, 10/10.
Reach for the Stars: 1996–2006: Fame, Fallout and Pop’s Final Party by Michael Cragg | Paperback