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Nursing/ Breastfeeding Must-Haves

Purple Star emoji 14 items
Everything you REALLY need when you start nursing/ breastfeeding a newborn!

Must-Haves for daily use

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Doesn't need to be fancy, just comfortable
Seitop 3 Pack Seamless Nursing Bra
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nothing to add, just trust me. You need this
Lansinoh Blue Lock Nursing Pads (2 x 100 Pads)
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Love that they are washable !
Wiederverwendbare Stilleinlagen zum Stillen

Early days of breastfeeding

The first few days/ weeks of breastfeeding can be rough. Don't give up just yet - here are a few things that helped me!

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Sometimes nothing feels better than cooling
Livella Breast Gel Pillow 3-in-1 Cooling Pad
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hands down these SAVED me during the early days of breastfeeding ! HIGHLY RECOMMEND
Livella Silver Cones / Nipple Shield, 2 Pieces
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A classic and worth the title
Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Brustwarzensalbe, 40 ml
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When you need intensive care …
Multi-Mam Kompressen – Intensive Pflege
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What i love about these is that they can be cold or warm - whatever you need
Lansinoh 3-in-1 Thermoperlen - Kühlpads & Wärmekissen
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you definetly need silver caps - trust me
Silverina 2 Stück Silberhütchen Stillen


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Trying this one this time around
haakaa 75 ml milk collection trays, silicone
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just ordered this one, quality is good!
Electric Breast Pump, Single, Green
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Had this with my first kid, can 100% confirm that it gets the job done and is quite good quality for the price. Also aesthetic and good battery life!
Bebebao Electric Double Breast Pump, Quiet
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On my wishlist because it is hands-free!
TOVVILD Electric Breast Pump, Hands-Free, Pink
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The Classic for a reason!
Medela Swing Maxi Electric Double Pump, USB