Wool is where it's at for your rigid cold days. Any other headware will do when it's relatively cold, but when you need to call in the big guns - look no further 👇🏼🥶
The trick for super cold rigid winter days is LAYERING. We only pull out the coveralls when it reaches a certain temp, but otherwise we start layering when it cools down with fall (thermals and hoodies), then eventually add jackets/coats, then hats, etc
We've been farmers with a FT job for near 5 years now, so we've had to get our winter morning/evening chore time to be as efficient as possible - which helps when it's sub zero. Here are our favorite gloves for cold weather (or rainy day gloves!)
Be sure to check out my first 2 recommendation notes for my ✨✨✨ PRO HACK ✨✨✨ on how to use them longer!
Other ways to consider increasing your body heat to stay warm!
Just in case, here are some other highly recommended farm related items that we use and love!