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Spiritual Growth for Your Little One

Purple Star emoji 5 items
God first
Love, Anababy ® by Stacy profile picture
It's NEVER to early to teach children about God!
My First Read and Learn Bible (Board book)
Love, Anababy ® by Stacy profile picture
A Must Have for Your Little One!
ZPAQI Catholic Porcelain Pink Rosary Prayer Necklace Mary Blessing Rosary Prayer Necklace Porcelain Pink Heart-shaped Beads
Love, Anababy ® by Stacy profile picture
Pals, If you know a little one starting school, Penelope's Preschool Problem, is the perfect find. This book teaches little ones all about why we should be kind. What a perfect beginning of the year or graduation gift for any preschool class. Talk so...
Stacy Ann Hixon's Amazon Page
Love, Anababy ® by Stacy profile picture
Lyla's Little Locket is intended to help little ones, and adults cope with the loss of a loved one. See how my magical message, Philippians 4: 6-7, helps Lyla to connect with her mom in heaven. Talk soon. XO! Love, Anababy
Stacy Ann Hixon's Amazon Page
Love, Anababy ® by Stacy profile picture
Pals, After Hattie is admitted into the hospital, her classmates put together a care package as quickly as possible. Included is a magical doll! Yep, that's me! I'm always on call. My message helps Hattie get well again! Read this book to the end. Ta...
Stacy Ann Hixon's Amazon Page