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finding HOPE in grief

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grief work is the hardest work. i know. but, we don't have to walk this journey alone. these books, comfort items, and resources have supported me through grief … and reminded me that even in loss, there is LOVE, STRENGTH, and H O P E.
Marilee Root profile picture
this story has lived in our family for years. it's a beautiful analogy. full of hope;
Explaining Death to Young
Marilee Root profile picture
from mourning to joy. 🤍
“A Season of Grief” daily emails - GriefShare
Marilee Root profile picture
one of my best therapies … was journaling. speaking on paper. whatever your therapy is, I hope it IS. find what will bring you peace.
My Grief Journal: A Healing Journey
Marilee Root profile picture
love the reminder this book shares - we're all connected by an invisible string .. called LOVE. such a great book for children of all ages, not only dealing with loss, but also separation anxiety. 🤍
The Invisible String
Marilee Root profile picture
because even in the darkness of grief, there's always (always) something to be grateful for. when you intentionally acknowledge those moments of gratitude, in a journal like this, you soon realize how much love + hope still exists, even in the dark.
The One-Minute Gratitude Journal