Not sure what to buy your friends who love to travel? As a Travel Writer and Blogger, I'm on the road a lot and these are items that I love and use and would make perfect gifts for the traveller in your life.
Be organized when you keep all your travel documents together in a passport holder.
Passport Holder
A travel adapter charger is a must-have for anyone who travels to different countries.
Worldwide Travel Adapter
Bring home all your souveniers and shopping in a foldable travel duffel bag.
Foldable Duffle Bag
A luggage tag is a MUST for any checked bag.
Luggage Tags
Check out this article for more ideas.
46 Best Travel Gift Ideas | The Strategist - New York Magazine
I absolutely LOVE my Rimowa carry-on suitcase, it's high quality and so durable.
RIMOWA High-End Luggage
Using packing cubes makes staying organized when you travel so much easier.
Packing Cubes
After hours dancing in 4" heels, nothing beats changing into your fast flats to get home.
Fast Flats - foldable shoes
Fancy hand sanitizer is so much nicer than the generic ones that smell like alcohol.
Natural hand sanitizer
Avoid rearranging your suitcase at the check-in desk by knowing it's not overweight before you arrive.
Digital Luggage Scale
Yes, I do travel with my own coffee mug because not only is it more sustainable, but it keeps my coffee hot for way longer.
Insulated Travel Mug with Handle
As a full-time travel writer and blogger, these are my must-haves. Every item listed here would make an excellent gift for the traveler in your life.
List of the Top 5 Airline Travel Must-Haves - by a Travel Blogger
If your travelling friend loves wiine, gift them one of these so they always have a nice glass to drink their wine out of.
Wine Tumbler
If your travel-loving friend loves the water, these are the best pouches to keep their phones safe. I love mine!
Waterproof Cell Phone Travel Case
Bringing along a Yeti cup is a must for any tropical vacation, especially if it's an all-inclusive vacay. These keep your drinks cold and are way better than using small, plastic cups all day.
Insulated Stainless Steel Cups - YETI
Bring ambiance with you to spice up any hotel room (and make it smell better 😉 )