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Movies That I Rewatch Over and Over
12 items
Madeline Romine
What are your favorite comfort movies? Here are some of mine that I will watch over and over again
I adore this movie so much and always wanted Kim Catrall's wardrobe in this movie
Mannequin (Blu-ray)
Disaster movies never let me down, and this one is no exception
Volcano [DVD]
Just the first 10 minutes of this movie are hilarious…I will never not laugh at this movie
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (DVD)
Again, another bonkers disaster movie but I love it all the same
The Day After Tomorrow (DVD)
This movie is in my top 10 favorites of all time
Aliens (Blu-ray)
I mean, who doesn't watch musicals over and over again?
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella
I love this entire series, but The Two Towers is my favorite of the first trilogy.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (DVD)
Ok, Ok, so I might have had a small crush on Heath Ledger.
A Knight's Tale (Blu-ray)
I will pick a day, and watch every single movie in this franchise. It never gets old.
Pirates of the Caribbean 1-5 (Blu-ray) [Region Free]
This installment of the Star Wars Saga gets way too much hate for me. I love this movie!
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (DVD)
Admit it…you love Grease 2 just as much as the first one.
We Go Together 2-Pack: Grease / Grease 2 (DVD)
This movie is just so good, and the cast is stacked!
Rounders ( (DVD))