Everything you need to start oil painting, including details about each item, why I recommend them, and how to use them in your practice! Great for beginners looking to begin oil painting, or for those of you looking to purchase supplies for someone ...
M Graham oil paints are some of the best. They’re affordable, decent quality, don’t include fillers, and don’t have any harmful solvents. I personally recommend starting out with their primary set or if you want to try my CMY2 palette, purchase Quina...
Oil Color : M. Graham & Co.
Bristle brushes or synthetic replicas of bristle brushes are THE best for oil paint! When painting, the brush hair should be thicker/sturdier the thicker the paint texture is. Oils are the thickest, so we need the sturdiest brushes! That will allow u...
Mimik Hog Professional Synthetic Bristle Brush, Flat Size #8
This will act as a rinsing station for your brushes. Instead of loading it with water like you would for other paint types, you load it with linseed oil, all the way up to the coil. You can scrub the paint out of the brush using the coil and press do...
Silicoil Brush Cleaner Tank, 12oz
You definitely don’t need the biggest container of this, but I recommend getting the second or third size up. Linseed oil is like the water of oil paint. For a safe indoor studio, you need it to be solvent-free— which means no paint thinner! Use lins...
Jack Richeson Linseed Oil
Fancier brush soap that is better for your brushes certainly does exist… but if you’re just starting out, don’t worry about all that. I still use the highest concentration dawn dish soap to clean my oil brushes. It cuts through the oil so well! Don’t...
Dawn Dish Soap
This palette does everything you could ever want. It's a neutral grey, which helps you make more accurately valued color mixtures. It's glass, so it's very easy to clean and scrape paint off of. Lastly, it's got rubber caps on all corners that keep i...
New Wave Art Posh Glass Grey 9X12 Table Top Palette
This one's for ANY type of paint, but especially useful for oils and acrylics. This palette case creates an air-tight seal around your painting palette, causing paint to dry or cure much more slowly than it would when left out. Super useful for savin...
Masterson Sta-Wet Artist Palette Seal 12"x16"
Palette Knives are THE best tool for mixing your paint. If there's anything you get on this list, it should be this. Long gone are the days of loading up your brush with paint just to mix a new color... palette knives can be easily scraped and wiped ...
Grab a whole bunch of these in bulk! These are what you can do studies and practice paintings on— they aren’t very high quality, and will definitely warp over time. They’re also not the best to use for commissions or work you plan to sell, as they do...
SoHo Artist All Media Canvas Panel 18"x24", (Pack of 3)
These are my favorite painting surfaces in the whole world! Artefex panels are made by a small, family-owned company that cares about artists’ work lasting the test of time. These are made from canvas mounted to aluminum composite material. They’re i...
If your studio space is really just a table in your house, this is a great easel option for you! It’ll do its job and if it slides around at all when you’re painting, all you need to do is stick on a couple of those rubber pads to the bottoms of each...
Trio Table Easel
While larger studio easels are a bigger investment, they last a lifetime and are definitely worth it if you’re trying to take your studio space to the next level. I recommend h-frame easels, as most of them can be set so the canvas is perfectly verti...
Creative Mark Mirage All Media Wood Studio Easel, Natural