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A Tarot Reader's Tarot and Oracle Cards Haves and Wishes

Crescent Moon emoji 36 items
tarot reading is a gateway drug for tarot decks | sometimes you read them, sometimes they read you (slowly uploading)

Tarot Deck Wants

the yearning is real

Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The kawaiiest of kawaii tarot decks! So cute it hurts, but this affects how some of the “bad” cards are depicted. Not high on my wishlist, but I wouldn't say “no”!
Kawaii Tarot: Understanding Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Do I have enough fairy tale decks? Yes. Do I want this one anyway? Also yes. The art is sweet and whimsical and reminds me of childhood story books. Not high on the list - more of a reminder.
Woodland Fairytale Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
In the words of Dr. Evil, “I love goooooooold”. Both of these decks are standard RWS, but the absolute abuse of gilding makes them so much more! Gold on black is a classic, but the extra gold deck with extra gold is so very extra. Don't make me choos...
BYKASIST Gold Foil Tarot Cards & Guide
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The one time I would read with ‘reversals’ would be with this deck, which is really wo decks in one, with both sides of the cards depicting a scene as seen from the front and behind. I think the readings would be fascinating!
Vice Versa Tarot Kit
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The extreme close-up perspective of these cards is so intense! The art is primarily of a face, focused on the eyes, with the dominant symbol of that card (in the RWS). The pared-down visual are very impactful, and I can only imagine what answers a sp...
Erenberg Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Stunning and unique collage work, with a bit of weird in all the right places. From the description: “With minor suits dubbed Combustion, Tentacles, Aether, and Fungi, this gloriously mischievous deck features squid, octopi, mushrooms, nudibranchia, ...
Boadicea's Tarot of Earthly Delights Set
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Love the old-but-new art style and the way it escapes the borders in some places - it makes the cards feel alive. It reminds me of Lenormand cards in the old-world European fairy tale-style art. RWS so not high on the list, but I do love it.
Old Style Tarot Deck & Book Set
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Although what I know about D&D could fit on a large Post-It, these cards are so gorgeous - like stained glass - I would figure it out! I've wanted this one since it was still and indie deck in development.
Dungeons & Dragons Tarot Deck & Guidebook
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Another great concept on what happens in the unseen background in each of the standard 78 tarot cards. The suits tells a particular person's story, set in different time periods and cultures. Two of the Queens are male, and two of the Kings are femal...
In Between Tarot Kit
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
What hidden magic and mischief happens in the undergrowth, right beneath our noses? A deck full of fairies, creatures, and folklore with an elemental influence, in a refreshing art style.
Enchanted Förhäxa Tarot Deck & Guidebook
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
An absolute classic, styled after Medieval manuscripts and Renaissance paintings. The artwork is collage, but the only way you'd really know is when you recognise an angel here, and a peasant there. One of my all time favourite Death cards.
Golden Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
I recommend the Sufi poets to anyone looking for something they don't know the name of. I wonder if this deck will have a similar effect? It strikes me as one best used for personal reflection and spiritual development.
The Sufi Tarot: A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
A little bit lithograph, a little bit wood cut, a little bit poster art, this deck a thoroughly modern reimagining of the RWS. If only the cards were as bright as the box, rather than the washed-out palette used for most of them :(
Rainbow Tarot: 78 Cards & Guidebook

Tarot Deck Haves

my tarot deck collection | 100+

Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
There's a reason the Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne is so many reader's favourite - there's something so easy about working with it. I bought it after being bombarded with images on Instagram and everywhere else tarot enthusiasts gather, and I'm so...
Light Seer's Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Another beautiful deck by Chris-Anne, this one with photo collage art. The readings it gives are as direct and incredibly spot-on as the Light Seer's. I use it to explore my creative processes and find there's always something in the imagery that poi...
The Muse Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
I was a huge fan of Elisa Seitzinger's art for years before she completed this deck, and it is everything I expected, namely, strange in all the best ways. The card imagery is very dreamlike, and there are subtle bits of humour woven in. It's a deck ...
Symbolic Soul Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
A deck for these dark times. This is a collage deck, accompanied by a 300+ page guidebook - and it's not small. Each woman featured has roughly 3 pages dedicated to her life, struggles, and achievements. These are women picked from all fields of acco...
Our Tarot: Guidebook & Deck of Notable Women
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
This little deck has served me so well! It's the only deck I use for public readings, because it is RWS-based so the meanings are clear, and Mary Hanson-Roberts' soft colour pencil art doesn't intimidate querents (well, except for one of the most fri...
Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck: 78-Card Mini Deck Kit
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The Tarot Nusantara (Tarot of Indonesia) was designed by psychologist psychologist Hisyam A. Fachri, with its primary purpose being a tool to unlock and understand the mind. It is a RWS clone, but the art is anything but - filed with South-East Asian...
Tarot Nusantara - Hisyam A. Fachri
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
My first deck! It was called the Truth Seeker's Tarot when I got it, and the box was sealed, only showing the Majors in lovely coloured pencil with gilt accents. When I opened it I found the Minors were pip cards! A bit more detailed pip cards but st...
Wisdom Seeker's Tarot: Cards for Self-Discovery
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
I'm always surprised when Wiccan-style deck catches my eye, even more so when I land up purchasing it. Even more so when it performs excellently! You have to work a bit to understand some of the cards, but a) it's good to scratch you head, and b) it'...
As Above Tarot Deck: Book of Shadows Vol 1
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
I think it's obvious how stunningly beautiful this deck is, filled with bright, bold colours and images that are sometimes surreal, sometimes symbolic, sometimes abstract. The cards lead you on a journey when laid out in a spread - colours and shapes...
Japaridze Tarot - Nino Japaridze
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
This is the OG 8-Bit Tarot. The cards are about palm sized, and come in a kraft-type cardboard box. It's a RWS clone, so very accessible, and if you listen closely, you can hear Nintendo noises when you flip the cards :)
Super 8-Bit Tarot - Indigo Kelleigh
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Caroline Smith is an illustrator who created some of the most iconic fashion images of the 70s. Her artistic roots show in the design of these cards, featuring highly-stylised figures you'd expect to see on a temple wall. It is not a deck for beginne...
The Elemental Tarot - Caroline Smith & John Astrop
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
This is a very strange deck - I would even go so far as to call it “nightmarish”. For all its softness, there is a predatory air running through the background, like a creature with a pretty face to lure you into a mouth filled with teeth. It honestl...
Ceccoli Tarot Deck - Nicolatta Ceccolia
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The Body Language Tarot by artist and author j-bott is a truly unique take on tarot, blending all of the symbolism and associations into one card as tattoos on a woman's figure.
The Body Language Tarot - thecrackedamethyst
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
If a tarot deck was a 15-year old goth girl, the Secret Tarot would be that deck. It has the same vibe as the movie “The Labyrinth”, of a girl growing up and discovering herself. The Queen of Swords is everything!
Secret Tarot - Marco Nizzoli
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
I affectionately refer to this as “d*ck deck”, because it is full of them - but not in a sexual way. This deck features a LOT of neutral nudity, of all sorts, shape s and sizes, and is very body positive. It was a gift I didn't want, until I tried re...
The Cosmic Tribe Tarot
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The Tarot Illuminati is a lush, colourful deck filled with textures and details. It is a hybris collage deck, featuring different kingdoms for the suits.
Tarot Illuminati Kit

Oracle & Other Decks

oracle, lenormand, kipper & playing cards | wants & haves

Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Dia De Los Muertos is a huge inspiration to me - in my life, and in my art - so I was first in line to make sure I got one of these limited edition Lenormand decks by artists Edmund Zebrowski. He's made a few other decks, mot notably “Pixie's Astound...
Day of the Dead Lenormand - Edmund Zebrowski
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
Do I read Kipper cards? No (not yet), but look at the art! I drooled over this German deck for years and years until it was in N. America. There's a newer addition that comes with extra cards, and I am SALTY.
Mystical Kipper Deck
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
The Bottanical Deck by j-bott is a 130 card hybris tarot-oracle decks that features different suits of flora, based on their kingdom eg. mushrooms, poisons. There are also several mini expansions that can be added to the master deck.
The Bottanical Deck - crackedamethyst
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
[WANT] These decks are so beautiful from start to finish, I would use them even it's not my usual field of interests.
Wild Wisdom Collection: 3-Book Set & Oracle (Herbiary, Bestiary, Crystallary)
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
[WANT] Peter Mohrbacher's angel art is the only valid angel art. Too many wings, eyes where there shouldn't be eyes, holes and slices and general eldritchness in even the most benevolent being. As it should be. BE NOT AFRAID… okay, maybe a little.
Angelarium: Oracle of the Fallen
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
[WANT] Peter Mohrbacher's depictions of angels feels like he once got a glimpse behind the veil and has been documenting his experiences ever since, as what is seen cannot be unseen.
Angelarium: Oracle of Emanations
Dee Terlinden | OAK & Terlinden profile picture
[WANT] The angels of Peter Mohrbacher's world are completely alien and incomprehensible - or just enough comprehensible to be disturbing. Naturally, I am obsessed.
Angelarium: Oracle of Watchers