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Bookish Things

Purple Star emoji 11 items
I am so simple minded when it comes to little crafts and projects- when I'm not reading I love watching TV and coloring, drawing, doing my book journal spreads, building legos, or other fun crafty things. These are some bookish things that I think ar...
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got this as a gift for christmas from my bestie and built it all during a snow-day, actually one of the most frutrating but rewarding things I've ever built and now looks so cute on my book cart!
DIY Book Nook Kit for Dollhouse Bookshelf
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this saved my life when my boyfriend was playing video games in the dark and all I wanted to do was binge throne of glass
Book Light
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these are my favorite markers for my book journal- just make sure to get a journal with bleed-proof paper!!
Ohuhu Markers
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I use this as my book journal right now and I honestly love it I like how thick the pages are so I can use scrapbook paper and not feel like the book is getting thick
Ohuhu Bleedproof Double-Sided Marker Pad, Spiral-Bound
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putting my ipad in this list because I use it as my kindle and I also use it for school work- special mention is kindle unlimited because i love it
iPad Pro
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anxiety coloring while listening to an audio book>>>
Harry Potter: Coloring Wizardry
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use these in a coloring book! they won't bleed!!
Crayola Super Tips Washable Markers, 100 Count Bulk
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these are my next craft purchase- i have the roses and i think they are so cute- another anxiety thing i like to do while watching shows or listening to an audio book
LEGO® Flowers
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I am so obsessed with Sara and Destiny- I watch both of their YouTube channels and also listen to their Bookmark'd podcast, they just came out with new merch and I think it is so adorable
Bookmark'd X HOJ Collab - House of Jupiter
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I LOVE LEGOS they are such a good thing to do while watching tv and movies and I wish they weren't so expensive so I could buy every single Harry Potter set
Harry Potter Official LEGO® Shop US
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these have become my new favorite things to make for my friends birthdays and fun parties- definitely excited to make one for graduation season and my roomies bdays coming up!
Hand Painted Banners