I absolutely love writing my own poetry books! If you're into writing too and wondering how to get your own book published, keep scrolling for some awesome insights!
Start by writing down all of your thoughts and ideas in a notebook or journal. This can include what your story will be about, what you want your front and back cover to look like, who your dedication page might be toward. This gives you a lot of spa...
Write Your Notes & Thoughts in a Journal/Notebook
Next, you want to create your front and back cover. You can hand draw it and scan it or create it all digitally. You want to make sure to include the title and author and the graphics to be related to what your book is about. For the back cover, incl...
Create Your Front and Back Book Cover
Next, you want to start creating your book pages! I recommend using Microsoft Word. You need to make sure to adjust your page size to what you want it to be as your actual book. You can include your page numbers before you start writing your story or...
Microsoft Word
Once you are all done writing and making it the way you want it to be, you want to make an account on https://press.barnesandnoble.com. They help you set up your book the way YOU want! You can choose for to be a print book or and eBook. You upload yo...
Use B&N Press
Here are a couple of my books that I have self-published! If you’re interested in poetry, I recommend you check these out! Thanks!!
from, the wallflower by Sarah Ann, Paperback - Barnes & Noble
Here are a couple of my books that I have self-published! If you’re interested in poetry, I recommend you check these out! Thanks!!
our bittersweet love by Sarah Ann, Paperback - Barnes & Noble