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rom-com romance books & how I rate them.

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all the fluffy rom-coms I’ve read and my thoughts on them!
Savannah Forland profile picture
7.5/10! It was a cute story but kind of repetitive. I just felt like they were going back and forth about the same thing. They’d be happy one moment and then the same issue would be brought up again.
The Fine Print - (Dreamland Billionaires) by Lauren Asher (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
8.5/10! This one was by far my favorite in the series! I loved the story line and the trope!
Terms and Conditions - (Dreamland Billionaires) by Lauren Asher (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
8/10! Not as good as the second but definitely better than the first! I didn’t really like how they treated the guy because having an addiction is a serious thing and they just made him feel bad. Also a few plot holes!
Final Offer - (Dreamland Billionaires) by Lauren Asher (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
9.5/10!! Such a great book! Just a right amount of spice with a good plot. Really enjoyed it!
Savannah Forland profile picture
I love this book so much! 9.5/10! Such a great story line and I love a good murder mystery!
My Killer Vacation
Savannah Forland profile picture
This book got me back into reading years ago! 9.5/10! Definitely saw the plot a mile away but still good!
It Happened One Summer - by Tessa Bailey (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
8/10 definitely not as good as the first! Took awhile to get there and just took to long
Hook, Line, and Sinker - by Tessa Bailey (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
Such a cute holiday book! 8.5/10 very easy read with minimal bumps (conflict/drama)
Wreck the Halls: A Novel|Paperback
Savannah Forland profile picture
6.5/10 it was a good idea but pretty boring. Honestly if the title wasn’t the nanny the kid would be irrelevant. Kind of just bleh overall.
The Nanny - by Lana Ferguson (Paperback)
Savannah Forland profile picture
It was a good rh that wasn’t a dark romance! 7.5-8/10! Kind of a cliche comfort book but I enjoyed it! Never said the guys age though
Triple Duty Bodyguards|Paperback
Savannah Forland profile picture
8-8.5/10 actually really good even though it was overhyped for a minute there. I loved the guy but the girl was meh..lots of back and forth with the same thing. good love story though!
Icebreaker: A Novel - by Hannah Grace (Paperback)