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Shelby Coke
Mama of 4. Currently in the trenches of motherhood! Coffee lover, aspiring to be better everyday.
Shelby Coke's Lists
Places to visit in St Louis
15 items
St. Louis Mo, places to visit and see! Plus of course, places to eat and treat!
Halloween Costume Ideas for the 'Fam!
21 items
Costume ideas for your family! I love a matching costume & these ideas allow you to include all your kids and even yourself!
Perfect fall meals -- your kids can help make!
18 items
Fall weather is here and for some reason that always gets me excited to get in the kitchen! 🥔 Here is a list of delicious fall meal ideas that your kiddos can help with!
Pediatric Cancer Comfort Items
7 items
This list is made with childhood cancer patients in mind, items that will bring them joy and comfort!
Hospital Stays
18 items
My son was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and that means lots of hospital stays, if you are looking for something to gift someone who will be staying in a hospital often -- or if you've found yourself in this awful situation, these are products that have been helpful to me OR that I wish I had!
My Tween approved gifts for 10-13 year old girls
18 items
My 12 year old curated this list to help you find a perfect gift for your tween girl!
Neurodivergent Toddler Must HAVES
16 items
Do you have a toddler on the spectrum or ADHD? With boundless energy and sensory needs? Check out this list!
Books perfect for Novel Study -- Homeschooling Resource
10 items
Working on this list for novel studies to give other homeschooling families a place to start!
Baby Products every parent needs!
15 items
My most loved and used baby products -- as a mom of 4!