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Cake Decorating 101
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This list pairs with my YouTube series: Cake Decorating 101. Going back to the basics to teach beginner bakers everything they need to know to decorate cakes that look professional! So here's my tool recommendations to get started.
Pt 1: Crumb Coat

Part 1 of the series: stacking, filling, and crumb coating

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Here's the YT video tutorial for part 1!
Cake Decorating for Beginners - How to Crumb Coat a Cake like a Pro
Steph Carr profile picture
A smooth cake table for smooth buttercream
Metal Cake Decorating Turntable
Steph Carr profile picture
Metal is key here
Metal Cake Scraper
Steph Carr profile picture
kinda actually love this for scooping frosting
Stainless Steel Cookie Scoop
Steph Carr profile picture
Perf base for decorating cakes.
Acrylic Cake Disc, 8.5 Inch 2 Pack