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Hair Colour Without Bleach

Purple Star emoji 5 items
This colour conditioner blends in grey hair and does not contain bleach. I use it all the time.
Susan Foster profile picture
Chestnut Nº 32, My fave!
Leganza Hair Coloring Conditioner Chestnut Nº 32
Susan Foster profile picture
Bitter Chocolate Nº 31. Has less red pigment.
Leganza Hair Coloring Conditioner Bitter Choc Nº 31
Susan Foster profile picture
Light Brown Nº 30
Leganza Hair Coloring Conditioner Light Brown Nº 30
Susan Foster profile picture
Dark Mahagony Nº 61
Leganza Hair Coloring Conditioner Dark Mahagony Nº 61
Susan Foster profile picture
Cafe Latte Nº 71
Leganza Hair Coloring Conditioner Cafe Latte Nº 71