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Nursing Essentials

Purple Star emoji 14 items
BF and Pumping moms- I got you
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a suction unlike any other
Spectra Breast Pumps
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I legit live in these
Nursing Bras
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love this one
Hands Free Pumping Bra
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trust me you'll want these
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love putting these in my bra at night
Nursing Ice Packs
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Perfect for on the go
Momcozy S9 Pro Hands Free Wearable Breast Pump
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for sage milk storage while traveling
YETI Soft-sided Portable Coolers
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You just need this if you're pumping / bottle feeding
Bottle Sterilizer & Dryer
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love that it fits the spectra comfortably with a cooler in the bottom
Fasrom Breast Pump Bag
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For the pitcher method
Milk Pitcher
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get measured in the hospital and order them so they're waiting on your doorstep once you're home
Maymom Flange Inserts
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extra Spectra parts for when yours are dirty
Maymom Pump Parts Compatible with Spectra
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So cozy and most importantly, breathable
Cocoon Nursing Cover
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just carry it everywhere with you or better yet get a few jars
Organic Nipple Butter