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Toddler Toys that are multi-purpose and promote developmental skills!
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If you are in the same stage of life that I am in with 2 toddlers, the amount of toys you accumulate on birthdays and holidays can be very overwhelming!  In my house, we have started to be more selective about what toys we have for a toddlers – often the criteria is: 1) they have to have more than 1 purpose (can be used in many ways to encourage creativity); 2) they have to promote development of a mo... Check out my list of favorite toddler toys below – each description states the age range I would use this and what it promotes developmentally speaking!
Gross Motor Toys

These items will encourage big body movements that will help your toddler gain full body strength, coordination, and balance!

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18 months up to 4 years old – promotes motor skills, cognitive skills, and language skills!  Fun for the entire family.
MindWare Seek-A-Boo! - Early Learning - 72 Pieces
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18 months up to 5 years+.  Can us to work on balance standing in place or use to create obstacle courses!.
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10 Colorful Foam Stepping & Balance Stones for Kids & Toddlers
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I love a multipurpose toy! This can be used for around 18 months and older and converts from a balance beam to seesaw.  Great way to get energy out indoors and it is super cute!
Avenlur Willow - Rainbow Seesaw and Balance Beam
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Setting up obstacle courses is one of my FAVORITE gross motor skills for toddlers, and these are the perfect addition to any obstacle course!
JumpOff Jo RockSteady Balance Stepping Stones for Kids, Promotes Balance & Coordination, Set of 6 Balance Blocks, Tall Set
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Start them on this modified balance bike as soon as they start walking and see balance/coordination skyrocket!
Babyjoy 4 Wheels Baby Balance Bike Children Walker No-Pedal Toddler Toys Rides PinkBlueOrange
Fine Motor Toys
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perfect way to begin working on spelling their name!  and super cute to display in their bedroom.
Personalized Name Puzzle - Best Early Learning Toys for Ages 1 to 4
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I get stressed out with sensory play – so I love a good sensory bin that I can purchase with everything we need! And then it all gets put away when we are finished.
Sensory Bin Construction Zone - Best Imaginative Play for Babies
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The most EPIC block set you can buy – will keep your toddler occupied at different stages and work a variety of fine motor skills.
The Block Set
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My toddlers love to help in the kitchen – keep this in the kitchen and they can help you “cook” without the mess!
Little Chef Play Kitchen Set
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Love the simplicity of this beach set for travel and for the sandbox!
Alto Beach Set
Items for your Home (that your toddler will be excited about!)
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lifesaver for a picky toddler :) This motivates my son to try new foods and he really mastered using utensils with this set.
Construction Plate & Utensils | Kids Dinnerware Sets
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If your backyard isn't the most usable, this sandbox is perfect – it doesn't take up a ton of space, it offers shade, a place to climb/pretend, and of course sand to dig in!  It is so much cuter than those big hunks of plastic ones!
Pirate Ship Play Boat & Sandbox
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My 3-year-old loves to help me in the kitchen and he is always dragging a chair in stand on.  This solves that problem!  And he can stand here and eat snacks too.
Sit & Stand Kitchen Tower
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A well-fitting desk/chair is crucial for fine motor work – love this adorable option that has storage and a chalkboard surface!
Chalkboard Desk & Chair