I love cups and mugs, and the funnier the better. They are a great way to keep you smiling all day as you are drinking your water, coffee, smoothies, and more. There are also some wonderful mugs, glasses and cups for you to share, that will cause others to smile.
How sweet would it be to give this to the person that you know is always praying for you!
Love this "Praying Mamas" Frosted Glass!
I must agree - everything makes sense after, in my case, mushroom coffee!!
The "This Will All Make Sense After Coffee" Mug
Sunflowers and Butterflies - serve mine in this! It is sure to brighten my day and keep me smiling.
Pretty Sunflower Glass Tumbler
What a sweet bridal shower or everyday gift for the Bride-to-be.
For the Bride to Be...
Girl Power All Day, Every Day, and Twice on the weekends. You better flaunt that crown, Sis!
Girl Power Glass Tumbler
And all this time I've been making cobbler - I guess I missed the memo, lol.
When Life Gives You Peaches, Make Schnapps Tumbler
If I was a betting woman, I would bet on you! You are phenomenal.
Believe in Yourself Glass Tumbler
Perfect gift for the cat and coffee lover in your life!
I Like Cats...
Being your own beautiful self is just as hot as the coffee you are drinking. Never change!
BeYouTiFul You!
Great to gift to the men that are always praying for and sharing with you.
Man of Faith Tumbler
Let's all PAWS and think about this one, ok…sorry, I could not help myself, lol.
I Work Hard So My Dogs Can Have A Better Life Glass Tumbler
If there is no self-care involved, I won't be either, ijs
Heavy on the Self Care Glass Tumbler
Hairstylists need love too - and cute coffee mugs
That Hairstylist Life
I iought this mug, and it is so heavy you might not have to worry about the ladies taking and using it - it will truly stay all yours, GirlDad!
GirlDad Glass Mug
Football season is always just around the corner
Hey Football Dad!
Same great mug in a different color
Football Dad Mug
If that is what you think, I will play along, lol.