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My Favorite Books

Closed Book emoji 22 items
As a self-proclaimed book dragon, I feel I am qualified to share some of my favorite books! I'm going to try to organize it, but there's going to be a lot of stuff here.


Young Adult books and series

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This is the first book in my favorite series of all time. I love The Custodian Novels and the world that Pensy created
The Amulet (Custodian Novel # 1)|eBook
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Here's book 2! Faedra's journey continues and we meet even more characters!
The Emerald Staff (Custodian Novel # 2)|eBook
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Oh look! Book 3! The series continues! How is Faedra coping with her new powers?
The Cypher Wheel (Custodian Novel #3)|eBook
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Book 4! Technically the last in the series. There are so many twists I wasn't expecting! I wish there was more!!
The Ice Diamond Cuff (Custodian Novel #4)|eBook
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I said I wanted more, and that's what Pensy gave us! This takes place after The Ice Diamond Cuff, but you don't have to read The Custodian Novels to understand it.
The Spellbinder's Mark (Set in the World of the Custodian Novels)|eBook

Graphic Novel

Physical and webtoon style

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THIS SERIES IS SO FREAKING ADORABLE! I love Charlie and Nick, their romance is so wholesome and sweet!
Heartstopper, Volume 1|Paperback
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Nick and Charlie's story continues! What will they face together?
Heartstopper, Volume 2|Paperback
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A school trip to Paris, what could happen there?
Heartstopper, Volume 3|Paperback
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I love this series so much, I want more of it, but I know the more that comes out, the sooner it'll end, and I don't want it to end.
Heartstopper, Volume 5|Paperback
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This one is tough. It's not warm and light and silly, this is dark and real. MAUS takes us through the Holocaust through the eyes of the child of two survivors. I had to read it in high school, and it's stuck with me for years. Don't let the fact tha...
The Complete Maus: A Survivor's Tale



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This was the first book by Allison Temple that I read, and it was amazing! It was also my first MLM romance, and I like to say it was "realistically unrealistic." Why? Well, you have to read it to find out!
Up North


Might have romance, might not

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Hey look! A series that isn't romance! Eragon is awesome, it brings you into a different world. One with magic, dragons, and so much mystery. It's great to see a dragon hatch for an orphaned farm boy, then you get to see how his life changes.
Eragon (Inheritance Cycle #1)
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Let's see what mischief Saphira and Eragon can get themselves both into and out of!
Eldest (Inheritance Cycle #2)
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There's so much in this book, I can't even begin to explain. But you need to understand just how important dragons are.
Brisingr (Inheritance Cycle #3)
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Here it is, the moment we've been waiting for. The fight against the BBEG. Who will triumph?
Inheritance (Inheritance Cycle #4)

Dark Romance

Self explanatory

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Okay, I don't own this specific edition (I want a hardcover though), but I read this the year it came out. And I've been hooked since then! Nicole takes you into a wonderful, realistic world that shows you what can lie in the shadows.
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If you're not ready for dark romance, you aren't going to be ready for the twists and turns Nicole throws at you in this novel. I went through so many emotions the first time I read it, to the point that I had to stop and cuss Nicole out mentally.
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Book 3 in HOTI and man does Nicole throw every wrench she can at you. The twists and turns she pulls you through are insane. But I loved every second of it.
Flash Point: Heart of the Inferno: Book III
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The final novel in the main Heart of the Inferno series. I won't lie, I cried when I finished it. Nicole brought me into a world I didn't know could exist and I loved every second of it.
Embers: Heart of the Inferno: Book IV
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I know I said with Ignite that you aren't ready for it if you don't want dark romance. Well, this blows it out of the water. Nicole shows you the backstory for two characters we meet in HOTI, but it's a lot darker than HOTI. It's hard to hate Rachel ...
Lies In The Dark
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Set in the same world and time as HOTI, Charly Nicole (a co-author pseudonym) shows you another mafia in America - this time in New York. And it's got some fun, dark twists you won't see coming, I promise you that much.
Hate to Love You


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I'll admit, I haven't finished reading this yet, but it's so interesting. It's dark, so make sure you're in the right headspace for it, but it's worth it.