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Books for Spring: Holiday Edition 🌷

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Who knew there were so many spring holidays?! Although some may be more recognizable than others, we've got a book recommendation for a wide array of them - from Mother's Day to Mardi Gras to National Pi Day. Which ones are you adding to your TBR?

Mardi Gras - March 4

New Orleans is so much more than Mardi Gras - it is a city rich with culture and history. Here are few stories as unique and complex as the crecent city. 

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Steampunk novela set in an alternative New Orleans.
The Black God's Drums
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Two sisters walk down very different paths as they navigate 1960s New Orleans.
The Vanishing Half
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Set in New Orleans in the late 19th century, The Awakening explores the role of women in society.
The Awakening

Employee Appreciation Day - March 7

Hopefully your workplace is better than the ones depicted in these novels.

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A sci-fi book exploring aspects of labor and critiques of the workplace.
The Employees: A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century
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Employee Appreciation Day is March 7. Read this weird, funny, amazing book about workplace culture and grief. (Also, how fun is this cover?!)
The Very Nice Box
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This page turning thriller, set within the cut throat world of book publishing, will challenge you to consider the perspective of a person of color in predominately white spaces.
The Other Black Girl

International Women's Day - March 8

We should celebrate women and their amazing accomplishments every day, tbh.

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We will keep recommending this book forever and ever. We are obsessed, and as soon as you read it, you will be, too.
If You Can't Take the Heat: Tales of Food, Feminism, and Fury
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Everyone, men and women, should read this book. It is SO important.
All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us about Women's Bodies and Why It Matters Today
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For all my data loving ladies out there, we see you.
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

National Pi Day - March 14

Okay, so we know that National Pi Day is about math…we know this. BUT we prefer pie. So here are some of our favorite cookbooks! 

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This is one of our favorite cookbooks.
Jubilee: Recipes from Two Centuries of African American Cooking
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From the classic San Francisco bakery.
Tartine: Revised Edition: A Classic Revisited: 68 All-New Recipes + 55 Updated Favorites
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For my fellow gluten-free foodies out there, this baking book is a helpful guide for navigating all the flours out there.
Gluten-Free Flavor Flours: A New Way to Bake with Non-Wheat Flours

National Write Down Your Story Day - March 14

We may not be writing down our own story on this day… but we're definitely reading others' stories!

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One of the best memoirs I've read. You will laugh. You will cry. You will want to call your mom.
We Were Dreamers: An Immigrant Superhero Origin Story
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Wow is this story so powerful.
I'm Glad My Mom Died
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You will cry.
Crying in H Mart: A Memoir

St. Patrick's Day - March 17

Celebrate modern Irish literary culture with these excellent reads! 

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Honor the Irish on St. Patrick's Day by reading the "First Lady of Irish Crime," Tana French.
In the Woods
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A coming of age story told with wit, even when the story is dark.
The Rachel Incident
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Sally Rooney is one of THE literary fiction writers of our time. And this book is a great entry point into her work.
Normal People

National Cherry Blossom Festival - March 20 - April 13

From March 20 - April 13, Washington, D.C. celebrates its beautiful cherry blossom trees, which were a gift from the Mayor of Tokyo City in 1912.

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Is this directly related to the National Cherry Blossom Festival? No. But this social satire set in D.C. can still get you in "The District" state-of-mind.
The Cave Dwellers
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An insider's view of Washington, D.C. - set in a story about a marriage in turmoil.
The Hopefuls

Tolkien Reading Day - March 25

A day celebrating the father of modern fantasy has us thinking about some of our other favorite fantasy books. Here, you'll find some classics from other members of The Inklings as well.

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Start where it all began…
The Hobbit
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I mean, it is Tolkien reading day…
The Lord of the Rings
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C. S. Lewis was another famous member of the Inklings, and his children's series is a classic for a reason.
The Chronicles of Narnia

April Fools Day - April 1

Just like this day, these books are all jokes. (No, really, they'll make you LOL.)

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April Fools Day is a day for laughter and pranks, and David Sedaris's writing will certainly make you laugh.
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Full of mistaken identities and mischief - hopefully unlike your own April 1
Twelfth Night
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Hilarious collection of essays.
The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture

International Children's Book Day - April 2

Let your inner child relish in these nostalgic reads. And if you have kids in your life, introduce them to some “classics.”

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I think I read this book 50000 times as a child.
Where the Sidewalk Ends
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Important book to inspire young girls to pursue their STEM dreams.
ADA Twist, Scientist: A Picture Book
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These Nancy Drew books shaped my childhood and love of mystery.
Nancy Drew 01: the Secret of the Old Clock
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I actually read this book for the first time as an adult and the impact was profound.
A Wrinkle in Time
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Fan of puns and word play? This is for you.
The Phantom Tollbooth
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This book helped to show me how beautiful it is to be a wild thing.
Where the Wild Things Are
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This was my absolute FAVORITE book as a child. I was mesmerized by the illustrations and utterly captivated by the story.
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
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Required reading for every kid and adult.
The Giving Tree

Easter - April 20

Easter is about rebirth and renewal. 

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A beautiful story of second chances and renewal.
Seven Days in June
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Follows a woman who undergoes a kind of rebirth after a near-death experience.
The Wedding People

Earth Day - April 22

Spending time celebrating and protecting the only planet we've got!

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Remember the importance of Earth Day with Octavia Butler's lesson - and warning - about climate change.
Parable of the Sower
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Celebrate Earth Day by reading one of the most essential and powerful books on our environment and how humans affect it.
Rachel Carson: Silent Spring & Other Writings on the Environment

National Great Poetry Day - April 28

Poetry often gives words to our most complex feelings. These poetry collections speak when we can't. 

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National Great Poetry Day is April 28. Celebrate with this amazing book of poetry.
What Kind of Woman: Poems
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Another way to celebrate National Great Poetry Day on April 28 - with the classics.
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
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Mary Oliver's poetry is always stunning, and this collection of poems written for the love of dogs is one of my favorite things to read when the world feels like too much.
Dog Songs

Cinco de Mayo - May 5

Cinco de Mayo has come to mean something in the U.S. that it doesn't mean in Mexico. Nonetheless, we thought it was a good opportunity to highlight the brilliance of some Mexican writers. 

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Mexican Gothic
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Excellent gothic ghost story.
The Hacienda

Mother's Day - May 11

Lifting up the incredible moms and motherly figures in our lives.

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Celebrate Mother's Day with this touching story about family, aging, and mother-children relationships.
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Mother's Day is all about celebrating strong mothers - and the mothers in this book certainly display strength and courage (with a strong dose of humor too)
Mother-Daughter Murder Night