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chef level ingredients

Purple Star emoji 18 items
everything you probably don't realize is missing from your cooking
Viola Economos profile picture
fire roasted tomatoes bring so much more flavor to any recipe that calls for tomatoes!
Muir Glen Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes - 14oz
Viola Economos profile picture
you should be cooking your pasta in broth
Better Than Bouillon Roasted Chicken Soup Base - 8oz
Viola Economos profile picture
bronze cut pasta! always tastes better
Rummo Rigatoni Pasta N.50 - 12 Ounce
Viola Economos profile picture
easier than chopping up garlic and great taste
Fresh Minced Garlic, 8 oz Jar
Viola Economos profile picture
will bring so much more flavor than regular tomato paste
Amore Paste, Sun Dried Tomato 2.8 OZ (Pack of 1)
Viola Economos profile picture
white miso paste is good in so many foods, brings the ummami
Marukome Organic Reduced Sodium Miso Paste
Viola Economos profile picture
shalllots are delicous and these you can use year round!
Birch & Meadow Freeze-Dried Shallots, 1.6 oz
Viola Economos profile picture
bay leafs may seem optional, but they bring flavor!
Simply Organic Bay Leaf, Shelf-Stable, 0.14 oz Bottle
Viola Economos profile picture
underated beans! a great add to so many foods like soups or vegetable baked dishes
365 Organic Unsalted Cannellini Beans 13.4oz
Viola Economos profile picture
anyone can make risotto! all you need is arborio rice and patience
Lundberg Medium Grain White Arborio Rice - 2lbs
Viola Economos profile picture
use bone broth for added protien and flavor in soups
Kettle & Fire Organic Gluten Free Chicken Bone Broth - 16.9oz
Viola Economos profile picture
the key to italian style creamy pastas
Sterilgarda Italian Cooking Cream 16.9 fl oz
Viola Economos profile picture
pickled onions are a tangy topping to add flair to things like avocado toast, tacos, or really anything!
Small Town Cultures Sliced Red Onions, 12 OZ
Viola Economos profile picture
buying REAL parmigiano reggiano makes all the difference
Parmigiano Reggiano Aged 24-36 mo
Viola Economos profile picture
underated food, great in scrambled eggs or quiche, as well as pasta or soup!
Good Culture Organic Whole Milk Classic Cottage Cheese - 16oz
Viola Economos profile picture
if you are cooking something sweet, like pancakes or french toast, it will be better with coconut oil!
Nutiva, Organic Coconut Oil, 15 Fl Oz
Viola Economos profile picture
white pepper is what all your favorite restraunts are using, add to mashed potatoes, pasta, everything!
Simply Organic White Pepper, 2.86-Ounce
Viola Economos profile picture
you should be incorporating more interesting grains! Couscous is easy and yummy
RiceSelect Organic Pearl Couscous, 24.5 oz