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Health & Wellness Book Recommendations

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I highly recommend these books for all things health, wellness, stress management, chronic disease and auto immune disease prevention and reversal! Especially helpful to anyone striving to eat more whole food plant based :)


Read these to learn about cancer and how we can prevent, treat and reverse it with food and lifestyle changes!

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my #1 recommendation for anyone with boobs!
Breasts: The Owner's Manual for Women
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One of the best books about cancer! Dr. T Colin Campbell is a wealth of knowledge!
The China Study: Comprehensive Nutrition Study
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One of the most helpful books you will ever read! Learn how to prevent and reverse our most common killers!
How Not to Die: Foods to Prevent Disease
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Have you seen the C-word documentary?! This is THAT guy! Such a great book to learn how to live an anti cancer life!
Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David S.
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My favorite anti-cancer wfpb cookbook!
Beat Cancer Kitchen by Chris & Micah Wark

Heart Disease

Did you know that Heart Disease is the #1 killer of all humans both in the US & the entire world?! Learn how to prevent, stop, and reverse heart disease WITH FOOD AND LIFESTYLE CHANGES!

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All about heart disease- how we get it, how we can prevent it, and how we can reverse it!
Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease by Esselstyn
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Such a great resource for preventing and reversing numerous chronic diseases!
Undo It!: Simple Changes to Reverse Diseases
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A great resource for anyone trying to prevent heart disease
The Plant-Based Solution: Healthy Heart Plan
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A great resource for anyone trying to improve their health with food
The Starch Solution: Eat Foods You Love

Dementia & Diabetes

Learn how nutrition can prevent, arrest and reverse Dementia and Diabetes with food and lifestyle changes!

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Learn how to prevent and reverse Alzheimers, Dementia and other types of cognitive decline at every age
The Alzheimer's Solution: Prevent & Reverse Decline
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Revolutionary Diabetes information! A must read for any one with or around Diabetes!
Mastering Diabetes: The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, Type 1.5, Type 2, Prediabetes, and Gestational Diabetes
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Learn about the Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs
Dr. Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes
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Another great book about protecting and powering your brain!
Power Foods for the Brain by Neal Barnard, MD

Gut Health & Autoimmune Conditions

Learn from successful, practicing doctors on how they have healed themselves and their patiences from multitudes of gut and autoimmune conditions!

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The best book about gut health that you will ever read!
Fiber Fueled by Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI
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How to prevent and reverse chronic illness and inflammatory symptoms using supermaket foods
Goodbye Lupus by Brooke Goldner, MD
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My favorite cook book for improving your gut health!
Fiber Fueled Cookbook by Will Bulsiewicz
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One of the best resources for anyone with an autoimmune disease
Goodbye Autoimmune Disease: How to Prevent and …

Overall Health

If you want to improve your health without the influence of diet culture… these books are for you!

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Dr. Greger is the GOAT of all things nutrition and this book is nothing short of incredibly informative & helpful!
How Not to Age: A Scientific Approach
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Another incredible helpful nutrition book from Dr T Colin Campbell
Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition
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One of the greatest books to help you learn what actually works when it comes to dieting and losing weight and unlearn the rest!
How Not To Diet: Science of Permanent Weight Loss
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Learn How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth
Diet for a New America
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Learn about all things health and hormone balancing!
Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health

Mental Health

Incredible books for self reflection and healing

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Love love love this book! A fantastic resource for understanding the science behind meditation, our minds, and how to overcome many of our mental challenges.
Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
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You may know this author from social media: the holistic pyschologist… such a helpful and knowledgable individual that re-structures and revolutionizes therapy and self help!
How To Do The Work By Dr. Nicole LePera
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An easy read to get you in such a good head space to self reflect
Inward by Yung Pueblo
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Another easy read to help you reflect on the relationships in your life
Clarity & Connection by Yung Pueblo
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A great, easy read for self reflection as you continuously do the work to improve your mental health and overall wellness
The Way Forward by Yung Pueblo
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I think the book description speaks for itself: “a radically compassionate plan for turning inward and lifting the heaviness that prevents us from healing ourselves and the world”
Lighter: Let Go, Connect, Expand Future
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A word of caution before reading this book: This book has a lot of unhealthy diet culture moments throughout. PLEASE IGNORE THEM & just focus on the dragons :)
Your Brain Is Always Listening: Tame Hidden Dragons
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I love how profound this book is yet very simple and to the point!
Don't Believe Everything You Think: Suffering
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Lessons on how to overcome life obstacles, build confidence and cultivate abundance through story telling
After the Rain: Gentle Reminders for Healing
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A guide to nurture your spirit and cultivate joy
How We Heal: Uncover Your Power

Food & Drug Industry Exposing

Great books to help you understand how to food and drug industries have high jacked our health, our food, & healthcare system

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Learn how the big food companies hooked us on junk
Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us
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Never let a label fool you again! Learn how food companies skew the science of what we eat
Unsavory Truth: Food Companies and Science
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Written by a family physician, this book dives into how Big Pharma is largely responsible for our worsening health in The United States
Sickening: Big Pharma and American Health Care
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LOVE this book! Such wonderful insight into why we eat the way that we do and what we can do about it
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
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Trying to quit or cut back on drinking? This book is for you!
Quit Like a Woman: A Radical Choice