Nourishing my body with wholesome foods and feeling great!
selada mengandung banyak vitamin A, C, dan K, serta serat
Selada Keriting Segar Daun Lalapan - Pack Tray GRADE A
Sayur berdaun hijau banyak mengandung vitamin
Brokoli +/-300gr
Wortel: Sumber beta-karoten yang baik, yang tubuh ubah menjadi vitamin A
Wortel Sayur Express
Tomat: Mengandung likopen, antioksidan yang baik untuk kesehatan jantung
Tomat Merah 250gr Sayur Express
Mentimun: Rendah kalori dan tinggi kandungan air, baik untuk menjaga hidrasi tubuh
KIRIM INSTAN Timun baby 250gr
Sayuran hijau yang kaya akan vitamin
KIRIM INSTAN Bayam 250gr
Pistachios are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They're also relatively low in calories compared to other nuts. However, the added flavors like chili and honey can increase the calorie and sodium content
Wonderful Pistachios No Shells Variety Pack
This protein powder is perfect for men and women alike, whether you're maintaining a healthy lifestyle, working out, looking to add more protein to your diet, following a diet regimen or an on the go meal replacement.
Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder, Chocolate
A high-protein, low-sugar pancake and waffle mix made with whole grains. Easy to make and perfect for a healthy breakfast
Power Cakes Dark Chocolate Flapjack & Waffle Mix
Avocado oil mayonnaise, made without any chemicals or preservatives. Perfect for salad dressings or as a sandwich spread
Primal Kitchen Mayo, Avocado Oil, 2-Pack
Kaya akan serat dan vitamin C
Apel Fuji ( 900g-1kg)
Sumber kalium yang baik, membantu mengatur tekanan darah
pisang cavendish sunpride C3 (900g)
stroberri kaya akan antioksidan
Strawberry 1 pack 250gr
Mengandung lemak sehat yang baik untuk jantung
ALPUKAT Mentega Super 1kg - Buah Fresh Sehat Segar