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The traditional dances that you have performed at various events preserve culture through beautiful dances.

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Here I will discuss how to learn traditional dance based on my experience and some references to develop traditional dance skills for both beginners and those who are used to performing traditional dances.In traditional dance it is also important to ...
Ajeng Wu profile picture
The first for beginners is to learn basic dance techniques, such as head movement techniques, body movements, hand movements, and foot movements. The dance trainer will train the beginner dancers to flex all their body parts because traditional dance...
Indonesian traditional dance
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Understanding the history of dance, especially in Indonesia, to understand how dance is preserved and developed. In Indonesia there are many traditional dances from various regions, for example, the plate dance from Aceh Darussalam, the jaipong dance...
Jaipong dance is a traditional dance from the Sundanese people of West Java.
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Traditional dances are usually accompanied by traditional musical instruments from various regions, one of which is the jimbe.Jimbe is a percussion instrument used in the Ledhek Jimbe dance: Ledhek Jimbe Dance: A dance that is often used as a require...
traditional musical instrument jimbe
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Tambur is a traditional musical instrument in the form of a large drum. The use of the tambur is always accompanied by a kempur (large gong). Both are beaten alternately at regular times, so that when the tambur and gong are beaten they produce a thu...
Balinese traditional percussion instrument, tampur, made from genuine leather
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Javanese drums are used to accompany various types of dances, including: Jaipongan: Jaipongan drums are used to accompany the Jaipongan dance. Ketuk Tilu: Tap tilu drums are used to accompany the Ketuk Tilu dance. Kliningan: Kliningan drums are use...
traditional musical instrument gamelan kendang java batik
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The angklung musical instrument is closely related to customs, cultural identity, and art in Indonesia. This musical instrument is usually played during certain ceremonies, such as rice planting, harvesting, and circumcisions.
Beautiful and unique 8 tone angklung
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The bamboo flute is a musical instrument that is often found in various musical performances, especially traditional musical performances.
bamboo flute with melodious sound
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Mask dance is one of the dances in the Parahyangan region. It is called a mask dance because the dancers wear masks when dancing. This mask dance itself has many varieties, and has developed in terms of movement, as well as the story to be conveyed. ...
Mask dance, a unique dance that has a distinctive characteristic, namely that the dancer performs using a mask.
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Dayak dance is one of Indonesia's traditional arts originating from Kalimantan. This dance depicts the life of the Dayak people who live in the forest. Dayak dance has another meaning than just depicting the life of the Dayak people, depending on the...
Dayak dance that tells the story of the daily life of Dayak people in the forest
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Sembah dance is a traditional dance typical of Lampung which is often performed in welcoming important guests. This dance has a unique expression of the dancers. important things to learn in performing sembah dance some examples of sembah dance mo...
Sembah dance is a dance performed to welcome important guests.
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The movement in the Kipas Pakarena dance begins by sitting and rotating clockwise. The clockwise rotating movement has a meaning that symbolizes the human life cycle. Then the up and down movement. Where the movement reflects the wheel of life which ...
fan dance is a beautiful dance that uses fans as dance props.
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Payung Dance is a traditional dance typical of Minangkabau, West Sumatra. This dance has the meaning of affection and protection, as well as relationships between humans and the attitude of caring for each other. The movements of the Payung Dance inc...
Beautiful umbrella dance typical of West Sumatra
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Balinese dance has a variety of complex movements and is tied to musical accompaniment. Balinese dance is a dynamic dance, so it takes a long time to learn. Balinese dance has its own rules, such as music, body movements, expressions, and blinking...
Balinese dance with characteristic movements and protruding eyes
Ajeng Wu profile picture
Merak Dance is a traditional dance originating from West Java and was created around the 1950s. The movements are taken from the behavior of male peacocks when they want to attract the attention of females. This dance depicts the elegance and beauty ...
Peacock dance from West Java which tells about how the male peacock attracts the attention of the female peacock
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Wayang Dance is one of the dance groups or genres whose background is from the Wayang story. This dance flourished in the West Java region. Wayang dance movements are based on the characterization and position in the wayang story. Wayang dance moveme...
wayang dance from West Java which tells about the characters in wayang stories