I created this list a little while back that offers a well-rounded perspective on how to have a sustainable yoga practice for beginners. Applying the practices of the 8-Limbed path is the framework to self-development and spiritual growth. Let's dig ...
There's a specific language that Yoga teachers use called Sanskrit. Mostly used to name yoga postures during a yoga flow, mantras, and chanting. Depending on the teacher's style and student's preference, you may find the teacher calling out asanas in...
Follow me on YouTube: I teach Hatha yoga for personal growth to individuals who desire a well-rounded yoga practice. If you're new to yoga or desired to learn more about how to have a sustainable yoga practice let's stay connected and subscribe to my...
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Use these techniques to help you breathe better, discover new methods to make your deep breathing exercises more enjoyable, and reduce stress and anxiety.
In this video I explain these tips on how mindful meditation can make a world of difference and shift your perspective on life if you practice with intention. Learn more below.
Discover the Indian system of medicine as a holistic approach to dieting, health, and wellness.
Need some encouragement? Read these slides to BOOST your confidence before attending your first yoga class!
Be inspired by reading these books. I assure you will have a whole new perspective on how you apply and practice yoga on and off the mat. Hope this helps!