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Yoga for Personal Growth? Is That a Thing?

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Curious to know more about the how yoga can improve your personal growth and self-identity? Do you desire a deeper practice beyond yoga postures? Let this be your guide to uplift your mind, energize your body, and find peace within.

How Is Yoga Beneficial to Mind, Body, and Spirit?

I created this list a little while back that offers a well-rounded perspective on how to have a sustainable yoga practice for beginners. Applying the practices of the 8-Limbed path is the framework to self-development and spiritual growth. Let's dig ...

Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
Use this list  as a guide to better understand how to have a well-rounded mind and body practice.
Understanding Yoga as a Well-Rounded Practice
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Learn the 8 pathways of yoga for better clarity on how to improve your quality of life (mentally, physically, and spiritually. This further explains how to be a better version of yourself beyond yogasana.
Get to Know the 8 Limbs of Yoga| Yoga Journal (Article)

There's a Unique Language Use in Yoga?

There's a specific language that Yoga teachers use called Sanskrit. Mostly used to name yoga postures during a yoga flow, mantras, and chanting. Depending on the teacher's style and student's preference, you may find the teacher calling out asanas in... 

Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
Julie shares with us how Dharma talks help us to incorporate the spiritual side of yoga with stories and philosophy to embody our personal experiences of life with an inspirational perspective. Spend at least 5 minutes understanding the purpose of en...
Dharma Talks with Julie - Incorporating a Dharma Talk into Your Yoga Class
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
YJ supplements the meaning behind the Sanskrit language. Use this quick read to get a better understanding of the language.
What is Sanskrit-Yoga Journal

A Refreshing Perspective to a Guided Yogasana Practice

Follow me on YouTube: I teach Hatha yoga for personal growth to individuals who desire a well-rounded yoga practice. If you're new to yoga or desired to learn more about how to have a sustainable yoga practice let's stay connected and subscribe to my... 

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Yoga for Beginners: In this video I share a revitalizing perspective to help you understand what to expect from a yoga class (especially with traditional yoga roots), how to maximize your YouTube searches, and be inspired by social media yogis while ...
Do You Want To Start a Yoga Practice? Here Is My Best Suggestion as a Yoga Teacher
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New to Yoga? Yoga is a personal journey to self-discovery. Subscribe to my channel to learn more. On this channel I teach yoga for beginners helping you advance your personal growth through Hatha yoga and mindfulness.
Subscribe to CSumati Yoga on YouTube!
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A lot of personal growth can happen doing these 3 things. Check out this post for the full details to improving your personal growth.
How Can Yoga Improve Your Personality?
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Let me know in the comments below!
What’s the BEST MEDICINE to keep you feeling youthful?

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Use this guide to help you sequence your breath when moving between asanas.
Sun Salutation A : Yoga Sequence Guide-FREE
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Learn more about me and how yoga can help you develop an enthusiastic yoga practice.
About C.Sumati
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Find more resources here. Feel free to ask me questions.
CSumati | Digital Yoga Hub


Use these techniques to help you breathe better, discover new methods to make your deep breathing exercises more enjoyable, and reduce stress and anxiety.

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Let's try it together! 1. I share a detail explanation of what to expect when doing this technique 2. Guiding you with a trial run to practice together 3. I share a mini-challenge (for moderate-advanced practitioners) to test your Ujjayi breath inspi...
Breathe with this Pranayama Technique to Better Concentrate During Yoga & Meditation
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
Ancient yoga breathing techniques like Naddi Suddhi (Alternate Nostril Breathing) have been around for many years that involve a symbolic hand mudra (Vishnu) ---a cleansing pranayama technique that help guide the flow of energy in the body to help fo...
Feeling Stressed? Use this Pranayama Technique to Calm Your Mind & Reduce Stress
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
It's one of many deep-breathing Yogic practices that involves a three-part breath sequence to help calm the mind and body. Let's give it a try together.
Breathe Better and Reduce Stress with This Yoga Pranayama Technique


In this video I explain these tips on how mindful meditation can make a world of difference and shift your perspective on life if you practice with intention. Learn more below.

Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
Using this tip will help you increase your awareness, find clarity, find grace during your Yoga practice, and reduce stress to improve your quality of life.
How to Be Mindful Through Meditation & Yoga

Ayurveda| The Holistic Way of Life

Discover the Indian system of medicine as a holistic approach to dieting, health, and wellness.

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What do you think? Would you integrate Ayurvedic practices to your health routine?
What is Ayurveda? Introduction & Guide | The Ayurvedic Institute
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Let's read how John Hopkin's introduces Ayurveda to Western medicine
Ayurveda| Learn from John's Hopkins
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Learn more about these 3 key elements to identify the energy centers based on your body composition and how they associate with the best recommended diet for you based on your results.
Ayurveda Diet Guidelines | The Ayurvedic Institute

You've Signed Up for Your First Yoga Class. Now What?

Need some encouragement? Read these slides to BOOST your confidence before attending your first yoga class!

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Has anyone ever told you how to prepare for your first yoga class? Here are some suggestions to prevent those 'What did I get myself into?" moments.
Feel Out of Place in a Yoga Class?
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Tips for feeling more comfortable in a group class or at a yoga studio.
Release Your Limiting Beliefs with These Yoga Tips for Beginners

A Must-Read: Mindset Shifts for Clarity and Comfort

Be inspired by reading these books. I assure you will have a whole new perspective on how you apply and practice yoga on and off the mat. Hope this helps!

Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
What I like most is that no matter what time of the year, you can start reading on the day you receive or access the book and still find a valuable meaning to the text. For example: If I bought the book today (March 1st), there would be a wholesome m...
The Golden Present: Daily Inspirational Readings by Sri Swami Satchidananda
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
Understanding how to breath is the foundation to controlling the mind and body. This is an easy read and a wonderful reference to apply pranayama techniques to your yoga practice.
Science of Breath
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
The framework to spiritual growth, self-realization and inner peace.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali|Paperback
Candice Life| CSumati Yoga profile picture
There are days when you need a little extra emphasis on specific needs and this book definitely helps. I have the hard book, but this is also available as an e-book.
Self-Care for Black Women: 150 Ways to Radically Accept ...