Recommendations for good places to eat, delicious food and good service in Yogyakarta
The most legendary gudeg in Yogyakarta, this gudeg is not soupy and the taste is predominantly sweet. The cooking process still uses firewood
Gudeg Yu Djum, Yogyakarta.
Traditional souvenirs from Jogja, super soft and delicious steamed bakpia
Bakpia Tugu Jogja
The thin and soft skin of this bakpia is a favorite of all tourists on holiday in yogyakarta.
Bakpia Kurniasari
The dishes served are indeed simple, such as eggplant lodeh vegetables, etc. However, the taste is very delicious and the prices are friendly, on average under Rp. 10,000.
Klotok Coffeshop
a place to eat and hang out. This semi-cafe angkringan provides a variety of menus ranging from angkringan menus to menus that sound unique and eccentric. The traditional Javanese atmosphere is very evident in this cafe.
The House of Raminten
Young goat tengkleng served in large portions. The taste is delicious, the meat is tender and the large portions make this tengkleng stall busy with visitors, especially at lunch and dinner times.
Tengkleng Gajah
Gudeg Sagan remains a favorite among culinary lovers. The sweet, savory and spicy portion of complete gudeg at this restaurant is always able to make your stomach hungry instantly.
Gudeg Sagan
Mbah Marto's food stall is tucked away in the middle of the village, there are no road signs to get there but it is sought after by many tourists.
Mangut Lele Mbah Marto
Hot white rice combined with super spicy stir-fry explodes in the mouth. The deliciousness of the tendon mixed with various spices shakes the tongue, demanding us to never stop eating.
Not only is the food delicious, but also the traditional Javanese atmosphere will make visitors travel through a time tunnel to the past.
Bakmi Jowo Mbah Gito
This Gudeg has a concept that requires all visitors to enter the kitchen.
Gudeg Pawon
This gudeg is served with a super spicy taste that explodes your mouth. It tastes delicious and you have to be patient in queuing.
Gudeg Mercon Bu Tinah
soto that is almost a century old.
SOTO KADIPIRO - Resep Turun Temurun Hampir 100 Tahun
Mbah Lindu is famous as the oldest gudeg seller in Indonesia. She has been selling it since before the Japanese colonial era. Always crowded with local and foreign tourists