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Purple Star emoji 18 items
The hormones of pregnant women also change a lot, if you want to improve your mood, try giving one of the things on this list, Dad.
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
clothes that are suitable to wear during maternity, pregnant women must have these clothes to beautify your appearance, moms
Pregnant Women Photo Maxi Dresses Female Evening Party Gown
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
A pillow that helps maintain the comfort of your fetus, I recommend pregnant women to have this comfortable pillow.
Oversize Pregnancy Pillow Full Body Support for Back/Leg/Belly of Pregnant Women
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Toilet chairs for pregnant women make it easier for mothers to do activities in the bathroom and ensure safety so that mothers do not feel sore legs.
Pregnant Women Sitz Bath over The Toilet Bowl Miss Woman Elder
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Pregnant women should do more yoga so that the baby's head position can easily descend, this gym ball is the solution!!
TrailTop Gym Ball Free Pompa Gym Ball Ibu Hamil
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Mama's Choice corset is the best!!
Postpartum Adjustable Corset Mama's Choice
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Pregnant women's underwear will definitely stretch. So when you are pregnant, you must have underwear like this so that your old underwear collection doesn't stretch out, hehe
Celana Dalam Hamil Jumbo Bahan Katun Briefs Elastis Seamless
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Being pregnant is not a barrier to work, if you want to keep your appearance neat then these pants are the solution, moms
Momiasi - Celana Hamil Kerja Kantor Jumbo Wanita Maternity
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Pregnancy hormones affect breast size, so to keep your breasts firm, wear a bra that can support the weight of your breasts, this is the solution!!
Bra bh menyusui tanpa kawat Bra ibu hamil jumbo
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
helps relieve back pain when pregnant women are active... you must have it
korset hamil sorex
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The nutrients that the fetus in the womb really needs, so the mother must diligently drink milk.
Susu Anmum Materna
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Dull faces of pregnant women are caused by fluctuating hormones, so the solution is this cream to help brighten the skin of pregnant women.
Skincare Ibu Hamil Mama's Choice 2in1 Face Care
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Daster is the most comfortable maternity clothes, for your comfort and the fetus, loose clothes are highly recommended. Daster is the answer, Mom!!
Amariel Bisky Dress Daster Nyaman Bumil Busui Friendly
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Recommended pads for mothers who are about to give birth. Very comfortable to wear after giving birth, so you must have them before giving birth, yes, mom.
Softex Maternity Pembalut Ibu Bersalin
Lusi Fitriani profile picture
Get comfortable sitting for pregnant women, to keep it soft you must have this pillow
NAFA BABY - Bantal Duduk Hamil
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If pregnant women have to travel, I suggest sitting on a pillow like this, Moms.
bantal motor ibu hamil / bantal serbaguna bonus spons
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A dress that is suitable to wear during a maternity photoshoot with your husband
Dress Maternity Premium Lengan Panjang Leher TURTLENECK
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Apply every time after bathing to guarantee postpartum no stretch marks
Jual Rintik Stretchmark Cream 200ml - Pelembab Cegah Stretch
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Pregnant women should snack on healthy things, okay? If you don't want to bother, I suggest just snacking on these!!