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Must-Have Books on Mysticism/ Esoteric Spirituality/ Astrotheology/ Syncretism/ Hermeticism/ Alchemical Physiology
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I have been VERY selective about the books in this list. Take what resonates and leave the rest to see which puzzle pieces fit into the larger picture and which ones don't. I grew up in fundamentalist modern Christianity which was hell-bent on keepin...
Books specifically on The Sacred Secretion

Once you get deep into this rabbit hole you will start to realise that so many religions and fables are really all about this one thing.

Annette Calarco profile picture
I bought this book in 2016 but wasn't ready to appreciate it until 2021. It's very esoteric and for truth-seekers who, like me, have a background in Christianity and are familiar with the stories in the Bible. If you love challenging your pre-conceiv...
God-Man: The Word Made Flesh
The Science of the Sacred Secretion (Christ Oil): and the Art of Preservation second edition
Annette Calarco profile picture
Kelly has a youtube channel also which is worth checking out.
THE GOD DESIGN: Secrets of the Mind, Body and Soul
The Cell of Life: Awakening and Regenerating
The Sacred Secretion, Your Complete Guide (Australians click here)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by DayThe Complete Papyrus of Ani Featuring Integrated Text and Full-Color Images
The Kybalion: Centenary Edition
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 1
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2
Annette Calarco profile picture
A very unique book- only get this if you are already on the path otherwise you will feel like you are looking at the ramblings and sketches of a genius and you won't understand most of it as much of it lacks context.
The Hearth Book