Benable — create shareable lists of things you recommend!
E.g., products you love, local businesses, travel recs - you can add anything to a Benable list!
What you will find in my low-tox bathroom
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Not only do I keep toxins in my household to a minimum for the sake of rescue cats and kittens who roam through my house, but I also do it for my own health, and because I recycle my grey water to feed my veggie garden. Note: I am in Australia and fo...

I lost a lot of hair due to stress in 2020 and 2021, so taking care of what hair I have left has become important to me (I didn't realise hair loss comes with self-esteem damage!)

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For the past decade I used Henna for my hair colour which has wonderful results but I reached a point where I could no longer stand the smell, the mess, and lacked the time for it. I worried about how toxic conventional hair colours are and wasn't su... I love this particular shade so much I haven't yet tried any others. 
5.02 Warm Coffee - Aromaganic
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A shampoo that doesn't contain any harsh ingredients and doesn't dry out my hair. It's not as easy to use as conventional shampoo (it's solid like a soap bar, doesn't froth up as easily, needs more time spreading it through the hair) but I have defin...
Original Solid Shampoo Bar 100g
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It's not as moisturising as normal conditioner but over time I have definitely seen an improvement in my overall hair health by switching to this product as well as the solid shampoo.
Solid Conditioner Bar Normal/Dry 100g

I'm a minimalist when it comes to makeup and I like the soft, natural look (heavy makeup has never suited me!) and as a health-conscious person, I choose Inika as my (Australian) brand of choice. Here are my essential items I cannot live without.

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I can't imagine going back to the days when I did my makeup without applying this to my skin first, which I did for a long time because I lean towards a more natural, soft makeup look. It primes my skin perfectly in a way that is light and glowy.
INIKA Organic Radiant Glow Veil
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I love this product in Dusk the most (for me).
INIKA Organic Lip & Cheek Cream
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Anything that gets this close to my eyes needs to be as organic as possible! I love that Inika creates products that are good for you without compromising quality because mascara is one of those things that always needs to be high quality.
INIKA Organic Purity Lash Mascara (Black)
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The perfect pencil for my eye wings. I use brown almost always.
INIKA Organic Eye Pencil
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I love this blush.
INIKA Organic Mineral Baked Blush Duo
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This is the best soap I have found so far for sensitive areas, face and body. And it feels wonderful.
The ANSC Absolute Avocado Soap (100 g)
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By far my favourite tanning lotion ( I have not tried Inika's one yet). Truly a top quality product.
Winter Skin
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Handwash from Dr Bronners! I love Dr Bronners products so much. This particular one is unscented (baby blue colour is always unscented) but sometimes I get scented ones.
Dr. Bronner’s - Organic Sugar Soap (Baby Unscented, 24 Ounce) - Made with Organic Oils, Sugar and Shikakai Powder, 4-in-1 Use: Hands, Body, Face and Hair, Moisturizes and Nourishes, No Added Fragrance
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There was a stage when I was making my own toothpaste with bentonite clay but then I discovered this product with ionically charged clay (calcium montmorillonite clay) while I was living in Los Angeles. It's a top quality product that doesn't for an account that ships it for cheaper. 
Zion Health Claybrite Extra Strength Toothpaste, 4 Ounce
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My favourite Australian natural deodorant! 
Noosa Basics Aluminium Free Organic Deodorant
Products I use to clean my bathroom
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This biodegradable cleaner sits under my bathroom sink and gets used to clean my floors, toilet, sink and shower. 
Dr. Bronner's - Sal Suds Biodegradable Cleaner (32 Ounce) - All-Purpose Cleaner, Pine Cleaner for Floors, Laundry and Dishes, Concentrated, Cuts Grease and Dirt, Powerful Cleaner, Gentle on Skin
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Hydrogen Peroxide doesn't irritate the lungs so it's safe to use on the floors as a disinfectant around my rescue kittens (who often come unwell and with respiratory problems). 
Vaxxen Labs Food Grade 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (2 Liter / 68 Fl Oz)
Oral/ Nasal Health
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I love waking up first thing and scraping all the nasty bacteria off my tongue with this. It helps prevent re absorption of toxins my body tried so hard to expel overnight. It’s a traditional part of Ayurvedic self care and helps with bad breath.
Pure Copper Tongue Scraper