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Get Mom Strong (exercises)

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I have given birth 4 times! These are some of the resources  I have used and I would like to recommend. Exercise videos, apps, and services to help other Moms with diastasis recti.( Separation of stomach muscles) Diastasis recti or the “mommy tummy”  affects about 40 percent of moms, causing them to look pregnant even 6 months after delivery. In addition to these at-home exercises, I have done Physical Therapy, and pelvic floor therapy to me with my DR. You will find these helpful as well. take c...

Exercise videos

Exercise videos to help with diastasis recti and pelvic floor. 

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you will feel the burn in your core
150 Rep Deep Core Workout for Moms (Diastasis Recti-Friendly)
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helps you learn to focus on your breathing while doing simple tasks
Breath Matches the Task at Hand: How and When to Engage Your Core
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checking yourself the correct way will help you find the right exercises to do.
How to Check Yourself for Diastasis Recti (THE RIGHT WAY)
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this simple tip will help you  improve  your pelvic floor muscles
Pelvic Floor Release - How To Relax Your Pelvic Floor Muscles
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helps you relax from your pelvic floor up
Yoga for Your Pelvic Floor
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simple but helpful tip, it will also help with your back and posture
This simple mom-life tip SAVES your pelvic floor
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did someone say better $eggs? count me in! :)
Pelvic Floor Releases for Better $EGGS
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say bye bye to Postpartum pancake butt with this 20 min workout video
20-minute glute workout to combat postpartum pancake butt
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the wrong exercise can actually make diastasis recti worse.
EXERCISES TO AVOID If You Have Diastasis Recti


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simple but powerful app
Get Mom Strong - For You, For Them

Exercise programs

Exercise programs created for moms by moms. Different approach same goals!

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all about getting moms strong before and after having children
Get Mom Strong - For You, For Them
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nutrition and exercise in one place
Moms Into Fitness - Online Workouts and Nutrition Especially for Moms
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I love that this program was recorded when she was actually pregnant.
GlowBodyPT | FREE Prenatal Workout Program
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lots of free resources with this program
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one of the only programs that really focuses on pelvic floor
Pilates Pelvic Floor & Core Restore - The Belle Method
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this moms of 4 kicks butts
Learn how real moms get their life back to Fit N Healthy after babies.
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The Ultimate Pelvic Floor Plan
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a comprehensive range of expert-curated workouts
Fitness Programs
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best exercise during pregnancy and motherhood
Sara Haley
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Prepare for birth and the daily demands that parenthood entails.
SBF Programs