I have several bird camera feeders in my yard. This way I can see nature up close without having to disturb them. And, they work great as security cameras as well.
We love hummingbird season, and get super excited when they start coming around. I'm super excited I have camera feeders to capture them this year while they feed.
Having a good pair of binoculars or a monocular comes in handy when wanting to watch your bird friends.
In the US, Purple Martins actually nest in houses we provide, even though they will nest under any covering, such as bridges. You want to make sure their houses are protective from enemies. I have listed some below that we use or want.
We love Purple Martin season. Did you know that they come back to the same houses every year? So once the babies are born, they'll come back as well. I love to hear the music their chirping makes.
Fun fact: Squirrels do not venture more than 2 miles from where they were born. They can be destructive on birds feeders and such, but they are fun to watch. My goal is to one day have one eat out of my hand.