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Eros rose
Im a freelance artist and vtuber that just likes to vibe in the corner
Eros rose's Lists
Amazon things I have that I like
17 items
A collection of items I’ve acquired over the years
Creators I'd recommend you check out
15 items
Creators i know personally or have good interactions with
Places in new jersey i loved
15 items
I was born and raised in NJ and this is just a list of places I'd recommend from that experience
Stuff i use for vtubing
16 items
Everything ive used for vtubing over the years and my thoughts about them
Games I've played
51 items
Games I've played over the years and my thoughts about
Cartoons I've seen
15 items
Cartoons I've seen throughout my life and my thoughts about them
Anime ive seen
62 items
Animes ive seen throughout my life and my thoughts about them. Not all are positive but probably will save you time if I think their bad. I'd still recc
Favorite Art Supplies
15 items
Sharing my go-to art supplies that inspire creativity and bring my ideas to life.