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Stuff i use for vtubing

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Everything ive used for vtubing over the years and my thoughts about them
Eros rose profile picture
The main program i use off steam that i use for my live 2D models and it's free with some dlc that is completely optional
VTube Studio
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An amazing png/gift tuber way to stream and friendly to lower end pcs
Eros rose profile picture
110% free but has a steep learning curve
OBS Studio
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My bot for chat that let's me have auto timers and offers sponsorships. It's 100% free
Eros rose profile picture
Makes a lot of things easier but has a lot of paid options and puts some things you may want behind pay wall
Eros rose profile picture
One of my favorite assets for streaming art
vHand on Steam
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They offer a variety of items to help you put streaming wise. I enjoy this the most of their options. It's more customizable than the first and 100% free. I just prefer the way vhand is rigged. Their both amazing programs however
Spud Tablet
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100% free and an amazing way to get into 3D modeling. One catch is no chubby models. Waiting for when they add plus size options
Download VRoid Studio
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Been using this since launch. To my knowledge it's 100% free but I heard rumors of that changing. A wonderful program but your gonna need a good PC to run it
Warudo on Steam
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Its completely free but also a huge learing curve
PNGTuber Plus by kaiakairos -
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I used this to make business cards a few years back. They were quick and affordable for 100 cards and delivery was quick for the ask
VistaPrint Official Website: Online Printing Services
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I mainly use them for merch since its easy to set up and you can make your own orders which allows you to sell on other sites via their system
Eros rose profile picture
A good all encompassing place to make sales, have membership options, and connect with fans. I don't use it often but you can link to other platforms and it seems pretty useful
Fourthwall | The best way for creators to open shops, offer ...
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I've used this for idk how long now, while falling behind now this used to be the best site for commissions and offers memberships and goals to raise money you need. Genuinely enjoy this platform just i only use it for it's shop now til i find better...
Ko-fi | Make money doing what you love
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My favorite place to take commissions, they have a policy that helps to prevent bad actors and to hold everyone accountable. You can pay by PayPal or by stripe with your card. They are constantly adding new features and listen to the community and I'...
VGen | Commission human artists
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A good site to make your own website for whatever your selling and make things really easy for your supporters
Fourthwall | The best way for creators to open shops, offer …