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Lottie Reeves
Mum to 2 little people and a bonkers boxer pup. Sharing recommendations to make parenting easier (or at least more bearable!)
Lottie Reeves' Lists
2 items
Gifts and treats for mamas
3 items
Hospital Bag Essentials
17 items
Pack what you’ll need for the first 24 hours and you can always have a second bag with extras that you keep in the car if your stay is longer. Tip: partners will be the ones looking for things in the bags so make sure they know how it’s packed!
Hey, baby!
3 items
Recommendations for baby now they're here earthside!
Postnatal (for mamas)
9 items
These products and services are things I've found useful to help me physically and mentally on the journey to motherhood.
Parents To Be
4 items
Here you'll find resources and products to make your pregnancy, and transition to parenthood, easier.