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certified bookie
Introduction to the best books!
certified bookie's Lists
Books recommended by Bill Gates
9 items
Books that have been read by billionaire entrepreneur Bill Gates!
Books that every woman need to read
18 items
Feminist books, healing books, wealth and success books and hormonal health books! 💕
book wishlist!
7 items
every single book that i intend on buying, but that currently can't be bought by me because of my lack of financial capacity ;) (warren buffet couldn't buy me all the books i want to read: it'd be too fucking expensive)
romance books
8 items
in our generation, i feel like therapy could genuinely consist in only reading romance books and dreaming of one day having a man like the ones we read about
Elon Musk's reading list
13 items
books that Elon musk has read/recommended/tweeted about!
Namjoon's reading list
7 items
a compilation of books that Namjoon has read/recommended!
literary inspirations behind the movie "Saltburn"
5 items
books that definitely inspired the production of “Saltburn” and that, in their own way, share parallels with the movie
book haul #1
8 items
books that I've been reading and a perfume that I've been using
Rory Gilmore's reading list
16 items
books that Rory has been seen reading throughout Gilmore Girls!