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Catherine Nadeau
32 year-old French Canadian. I'm a water treatment counselor who likes to share makeup, fashion, wine and beer tasting. I also love to travel to the United States, especially Florida. I’ve been blogging since 2016.
Catherine Nadeau's Lists
My daily favorite makeup items
18 items
These are my makeup tried and true for every budget.
All of my favorite haircare products
14 items
Everything I put in my hair in the shower or after. Most of those products I’ve been using for years!
My best recommendation of skincare must-haves for everybody
19 items
Anything from cleanser to serum, to cream. I used to have acne, but went on Accutane, and now I have a pretty normal skin type. Not dry nor oily.
Sexy perfumes
5 items
These are the perfume I wear on date nights, special nights, or simply when I need a confidance boost.