These are the perfume I wear on date nights, special nights, or simply when I need a confidance boost.
I get so many compliments from men when I’m wearing it. I feel really confident and woman. Save it for date nights!
Lady Million Fabulous Rabanne for women - Fragrantica
They have a few fragrance, but the one that gets me a lot of compliment is Ambre, Vanille et Lavande. It’s my favorite smell on earth. They also have the body lotion and the fabric spray.
Roll On Perfume - Maison Lavande
I might get judged on this one, but it’s an all-time daily favorite of mine. I feel fresh and playful when I wear it, and kinda sexy even.
Ed Hardy Women's Perfume by Christian Audigier
This smell fancy, chic to me. I would describe it as sexy powder. I don’t know it makes sense to anyone else than me.
Elizabeth and James Nirvana Black, 1.5 mL
Another perfume I would describe as clean, fresh and playful. It makes me feel younger instead of making me feel woman. But still sexy to me.